18 | Kiss Him

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"Jeez." I massaged my head, "I think I'm going to throw up." I think we both had gone on every ride that was here. It started with the bumper cars, then some water shooting game and from there I've lost track.

"Why don't we get something to eat? and maybe some water too?" I nodded my head slowly, "Yes please." I heard him chuckle as he slowly guided me to one of the food trucks.

"What do you feel like Princess?" I scanned the food trucks that were lined up, one by one. "Mmm...the pizza looks really good?" I looked up to him, "Pizza it is." He placed his hand on the small of my back.

I jolt up a little from his actions, "Are you okay?" I feel his eyes peering down at me but I couldn't look at him, instead, I kept my eyes straight ahead of me and nodded.

"Hello. My name is Julie, what will you two like?" We both scanned the menu, "I'll take a small margarita, please." I said, "And I'll have a small pepperoni." Said Roman.

"Sure thing. Please go to table three." She handed us a small card that had the number three on it.

I place my bag on the table when Roman rushes over behind me, "Let me." He is so cute! "Thank you," I muttered, "This place is truly amazing, how did you find it?" I watched him sit down, scooching his chair further in.

"Just put a little research into it." He smiled, showing off the dimple in his right cheek. "So....you're saying you planned this?" he just shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe." I leaned back, "So this is a date?" He coughed.

"What? Of course not." I giggled, "It's just friends...hanging out." He motioned between us, "Of course." We both laughed.

"Hello, folks." Julie came up to our table with two pizza boxes, "One margarita and pepperoni." She places one box infront of us. "Thank you." We both say in sync, "Enjoy." She takes our card, smiles and walks away.

I opened the box, getting a waft of cheese, "This smells amazing." I tear away one of the slices and take a bite. The sensation of the cheesy pizza melted in my mouth, I moaned from the taste.

"Oh my god." I mumbled with my mouth full, "Sorry." Roman swallowed and wiped his mouth clean, "No need to apologize. I feel like shoving this pizza down my throat, but since your here..." He trails.

"I need to eat like a proper gentleman." He straightens his posture, making me laugh. We both talk about ourselves as we finish our food.

We get up, I reach for my wallet but before I could place the money on the table Roman and I are already walking away, " I told you, Princess. You wouldn't get away with this one." I rolled my eyes at him.

"What next Princess?" I looked around, trying to find a ride that won't make me throw up but something that we also haven't gone on, "I saved the best for last..." His eyebrows drew together.

"The Ferris wheel." I pointed high in the sky. We make our way there. The guy that was standing there handed us two tickets. I still tried to pay but Roman ended up beating me to it.

"You guys get to go around three times. An extra round will cost you another four dollars." We thanked him and hopped in one of the carts.

Once we got high up in the sky I closed my eyes shut. "Princess, you okay?" I heard the concern in his voice. "Yes. No." I let out a shaky breath, "I'm afraid of heights," He laughed.

"How can you forget to be afraid of heights?" I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Okay, just calm down I'll ask one of the guys to bring us down." I peaked my eye open to see him looking down.

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