35 | West Valley

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One more hour.

You can push through.

I had an hour left before I could leave, let's make it quick. I had to leave early this morning to make it on time for the race, Kai had made it very clear that if I weren't there, we would have a big problem.

I drove my Yellow Dodge Challenger from NYC to West Valley. The drive was about an hour.

My phone buzzed continuously, with missed calls and messages from Hazel, JJ, Valentino, and Peter. All the boys knew I worked for Kai because so did they but they knew nothing about the race.

My intention was to tell them...after the race. But, the guilt was eating on the inside of me. On my way, I called JJ, explaining to him what was happening, obviously, the sensible bastard that he is insisted that I don't do it but...I had to. This was between Kai and me, no one else.

Everything doesn't add up though.

I was positive I did do two races last time and not one, I've always gotten a job done for Kai.

As I was waiting by my car for my next race I see my opponent in his black Ford Mustang Gt pull up next to me. The car was a shiny black, blending in with the pastel sky, the early feel that came with the atmosphere felt sorrowful for some reason.

I don't feel good about this race.

"Hey, I'm Toby." The guy came up to shake my hand, "Hey man," I shook his hand in return. "Listen" -He let out a heavied sigh- "I never wanted to do this. I'm just doing it for the money," He rubbed the back of his head.

"What do you mean?" Isn't the money going towards Kai? "This race is to win one million, Kai signed me up to go against you." All I did was nod.

Raging with anger on the inside, I fucking knew it, I had finished both races but this was another separate race.

I had asked Toby where Kai was and pointed towards the small tent that was put up on the side of the road. I was now ready to beat his ass.

I walked inside to see Kai sitting in one of the armchairs drinking whiskey. I stood there waiting for him to acknowledge my existence. "Hello, Roman." He twirled the strong liquid in the glass.

"Why the the fuck would you lie?" I stormed over to him, "How else was I going to make you do the race?" He stood up and placed his glass on the small table in front of the chair.

"I'm not racing," Turning my back to him, not wanting to listen to what he had to say, "Where do you think you're going?" I opened the one side to the tent when I heard a gun being cocked into place.

I let my hand fall to my side, slowly turning around, "Well then, if you don't race that pretty girlfriend of yours..." He swung the gun around his finger, "Will be..." And pointed the gun at me.


"It's your choice." I clenched my jaw, shutting my eyes for a brief moment, "I'll do it." I stepped out of the tent and walked to my car.

The race was about to begin, I had to find some way to calm myself. I sat inside my car, taking a deep breath. I pushed all negative thoughts out the fucking window concentrating on the race,

The quicker I get it done the faster I can see...


Just the thought of her name already soothed my mind, my body, everything. I was ready.

How did he even find out about her?

I've been keeping a low profile around her, even around him but, that's Kai he has connections all over the fucking place. I watched Toby jump into his car.

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