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Once we got home, Ryan wasn't able to stay long since he and Kyle's families were going away for the break, while I, was alone...again.

But, it was okay, I've never had a problem with being on my own, I've been on my own for a long time to enjoy the company of myself with my complex thoughts and feelings.

I called dad to see how he and Matthew were doing and how work was going, "How long?" I held the phone between my shoulder and the side of my head, "Three weeks Haze," He said, "The branch down here in Washington needs a lot of attention."

I was disappointed but that was business and I understood the stress he was under and if me having to complain wouldn't make it any better. We spoke for a few more minutes when we said our goodbyes.

I thought it would be nice to do some meditation time so I turned the lights off, sat on my bed, plugged my headphones into my ears, and stared up at the ceiling.

The star projector Matt bought for my birthday lit up my ceiling, rays of pinks and purples merged together, the green laser's dotted the ceiling.

If you're not the one for me

Then how come I can bring you to your knees?

If you're not the one for me

Why do I hate the idea of being free?

Adele was always my comfort singer. Her lyrics would move me in a way I wasn't able to put in words. Yes, her music represented breakups but I have compared them to other scenarios related to my life.

If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently

Don't pretend that you don't want me

Our love ain't-

The lyrics get cut off when I hear my phone ring. I sit up, looking at the caller ID, unknown number, I was weary this time on picking up.

Should I pick it up? What if it's dad but calling from another number? Or Ryan?

Yeah, maybe it's one of-

The phone continued to vibrate on the bed. I decided to pick it up. "Hello?" My hand started to shake, I could hear the sound of my heart pounding in my ears, scared for dear life to whoever is on the other-

"Princess, you okay?"


"Jesus, Roman you gave me a heart attack, whose phone are you using?" I placed a hand on my chest while trying to slow my breathing.

"I'm using Peter's" That's weird I thought I had his number saved? "Oh, okay what's the matter?" I sat back down on my bed.

"Nothing just wanted to speak to you." I giggled. A heartbeat passed, both of us sitting in silence, contemplating what to say. Should I ask if he wants to come over? Will he even want to? Screw it. "You wanna come over?"

There was a pause, one that felt too long, making me overthink my decision. "Sure, I'll be there in," He answered, "Okay, I'll see you just now then," I heard him chuckle, "Yeah, see you." I ended the call.

Oh my God! Roman is coming over! To my house! This is so exciting! Oh, my-wait. "Holy fuck he is coming over!" I jumped off my bed, running to the bathroom to have a shower.

I watch the water spray from the ceiling, removing my clothes I jump in and began washing my body, soaping the lather all over my body while messaging the purple shampoo in my hair.

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