9 | This Is Not A Date

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I roll around in bed. Annoyed when I hear the sound of my alarm going off, "Shut up." I groan sleepily. I reach over to my nightstand, taking my phone off charge to switch off the alarm. "Oh God," I rub my eye's tiredly.

I place my feet onto the ground about to get up when I hear my phone buzz continuously with messages from someone.


Ryan: Morning Haze. I got some BIG news for u.

Ryan: I rlllly need to call u! This is an urgent matter!

Ryan: Wakey wakey...pls get up!

Ryan: R u up yet??

Ryan: HAZEL JOHNSON! Wake ur ass up!

I roll my eyes at his messages. Can this not wait until I'm fully awake? I get out of bed, making my way over to the bathroom when I start to call Ryan, "Good morn-"

"Yeah, yeah, morning to you too." I scoff, someone must be really excited to just go to school this morning, "What was so important that it couldn't wait until we got to school?" I applied some toothpaste onto my toothbrush, ran it under some water and started to brush.

"Kyle asked me out!" He yelled so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear, "Wow, that is amazing! When?" I said with a mouth full of toothpaste, "He said tonigh-"

"Wait!" I spat all the toothpaste out of my mouth, "Tonight?! No! I have that thing with Roman tonight!" I wiped my mouth clean, "Haze, I don't know wha-"

"Ryan I need you there! What the hell am I supposed to say to him?!"


"What if he asks me questions I don't know the answer to,"

"Hazel." He said again.

"Or I end up doing something I'm not supposed to, I've never had a drink without you there! Or my family! I can't go then. Yes! I will just-"

"Hazel!" His loud voice caught me off guard.

I stop talking. "I need you to take a deep breath for me okay?" Smell the flowers, blow the candles, I repeat that four times, "Okay. I'm calm." Ryan lets out a big sigh, "Hazel, you are going tonight, and you are going to have a good time..."

"I feel like there is a "but" coming." He chuckled softly, "But. I will not be coming with you." I groaned, "Why not?!" I whined like a little girl, "Because Haze, you need to do this on your own I'm not going to be here all the time to look out for you." I hate that he had a point.

"Fine." I flopped on my bed, "I'll go on this stupid date with Roman and you can go on your stupid date with Kyle." I said, "Thank you, it's going to be great okay? So no need to worry." I nodded my head, "Yeah. It'll be great."


What the fuck am I supposed to do now? She said no. No one has ever said "no" to me. Should I ask her again? Would she say no again to me? Maybe she already has a date, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had already asked her out.

Maybe I should- "Roman!" JJ snaps his fingers in my face, "What?!" I growl, "I said. Did you ask her out for tonight?" They all looked at me with anticipation, "Uh...you see-"

"He chickened out, I knew it what did I tell you, Val, you owe me ten bucks!" Peter stuck his hand out to Val, "Dammit." Valentino slaps the money in his hand.

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