20 | Broken Heart

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"We're back!" I turn around to see Ryan and Kyle standing side by side, holding hands, "Oh, hey Kyle!" I give him a hug, "Hey Haze." We pull away, "We passed the kitchen, they didn't have any Corona so I got you a Heineken." I took the glass bottle from his hand.

"Thanks." I take a sip, "What were you looking at?" He stands next to me, looking closely at the pictures, "Aw, JJ was so cute when he was younger. still is I mean."

"Ay!" Kyle nudges him in the shoulder, "What? You want me to lie?" Kyle slings his arm over his boyfriend's shoulder, "If you're saying some other boy is cute, then yes." He kisses his cheek.

They are so cute together!

"Kyle! Kyle! Let's play a game of beer pong!" We all turn our heads, looking out to the backyard to see some drunk guy calling for him, "You want to play with us? It can be the two of us against Hazel and John?" Ryan and I look at each other.

"I think I'm good." I smile at them both, "What? No. I'll play with Hazel, you and John against us." Ryan takes my hand in his, "No." I pull my hand away, "You guys go have fun."

"Really?" I nod my head with a smile, "Of course! Go!" I start to push Ryan, "You can come watch?" I shook my head, "Nah, I'm going to go to the bathroom and find JJ."

"Baby, she said it's fine, they are waiting for us, come on." Kyle continued to pull Ryan by the hand, "Are you sure?" I nodded my head for the last time, "Go have fun." I kissed his cheek. "I'll come find you!" I waved goodbye.

I looked away, feeling a single tear trickle down my cheek, quickly wiping it away I feel someone tap me on the shoulder, "Hey Haze." I sigh out of relief, happy to see a familiar face.

"Valentino!" I give him a big hug, "Long time no- Woah. Hazel." He clears his throat, "You look...hot." My cheeks start to heat up, "Thanks..."

He takes a big sip of his mysterious drink in the red cup, "Long time no see huh?" He says, "Yeah, stuff hasn't been going its finest for me recently." He nodded his head.

"Yeah...we all kind of know everything." I rolled my eyes, "I didn't know Roman was much of a storyteller?" He slings his arm around me and we start to make our way outside, "We bugged it out of him." I giggled.

"How have you been?" The way he asked me, he knew exactly what happened, "I'm okay." We walk outside, the cold air hits me in the face, "Really?" He looks at me questioningly.

Do I tell him how I actually feel?

"Yeah. I'm fine." He cocks an eyebrow, "You don't have to lie to me you know." I chuckle, "I don't know what to do." He directs me to a bench and we both take a seat.

"He hasn't called me back since. Why? Did I do something wrong?" His eyes go wide, "What the hell? Of course not." He places his drink on the grass.

"He is just...sorting out a few things." I lean back and cross my arms, "Your sweet for defending your friend but if I really want to believe it I would have to hear it from him."

"What the fuck is up with this pity party?" Peter shoves between the two of us, wrapping both his arms over our shoulders, "Hazel was just-"

"Nothing." I look to Valentino and smile, he nods his head, "Nothing. Hazel was just wondering where you were." Peter points to himself, looking at us both.

"Me? Aw, did you miss me?" I pouted and nodded my head, "Well, in that case..." He stood up, wobbling a bit which made me laugh, "Would you like to dance?" He stuck his hand out.

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