16 | Nightmares

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The sunburst through my curtains, pouring the bright sunshine in, birds chirped soundly. I got out of bed nice and easy, knowing my weekend had just started.

I made my way to the bathroom, brushing the rat's nest out of my hair, when I was finished I applied some toothpaste to my brush and began to clean my teeth.

As I make my way down, tying my hair into a low pony I get a very familiar smell coming from the kitchen, "Mariah! Whatever you are making smells so fam-mum?" What?!

"Hazel honey! So wonderful for you to make it!" She poured me a glass of orange juice, "Have a seat dear." She handed it to me, "Uh...thanks." I took it, taking a small sip.

"Bought it fresh this morning." She cut a few strawberries, added them into a bowl she places them infront of me, "How do you want your eggs today Haze?" She turned around to face the stove.

"Anything will do." I took a sip of my orange juice. What is going on? Why is she here? "Why are you here mum?" Her back stayed face to me, "What do you mean?" She said, "I-"

"Good morning honey." My dad entered the kitchen, kissing my mum on her cheek, "Good morning!" She handed him a cup of coffee, "Dad. What the hell is going on?" He took a seat next to me but ignored my question.

"Hello? Dad, what is mum doing here?" He continued to ignore me, "What the hell is going- oh thank God!" I jump up from the stool to meet Matthew halfway up the stairs.

"Matt, something strange is going on. Mum came-"

"Morning everyone." What the hell?! Can they not see me?! What the fuck is happening right now?

I walk back into the kitchen to see Matthew sitting in my seat next to dad, sipping my orange juice, "Here you go my boys." She places two plates of bacon, eggs and a slice of toast for each other.

"Why is no one listening to me?! Mum is back!" I yell behind them but no one turned around, "Oh dear..." She turned the stove off, removing her apron she walked up to me, "Don't you get it, Hazel?"

What? what the hell is she talking about?

"You're dead. I'm alive." My eyes went wide, "What?!" Her hand reached out to touch the side of my cheek when I slapped it away, "What the fuck are you doing?!" She dropped her hand to her side, "Give it up Hazel." She scoffed.

"No..." She took a step closer to me, "One..." And another, "Wants..." Another, "You..." My back clashes with a wall, "Here." She grips my shoulders, feeling her nails dig into the flesh.

"You are dead! Stay that-"


I couldn't move. I could hear the rapid sound of my heart pounding against my chest, my body drenched in sweat. Every breath I sucked in felt like my last, gasping for breath I lunged off the bed, racing to the bathroom.

Lifting the toilet seat I started to vomit. My throat started to burn, my lips dry, my nostrils burning from the toxic smell. I flush the toilet, closing the lid I lay my head on the cold iced tiles, enjoying the cold on my heated cheek.

"That...felt so...real," I said in between breaths. I try to stand but my legs feel like they have turned into mush, every muscle in my body...gone. I crawl my way over to the sink.

I grab hold of the edge of the sink bowl, I pull myself up. Standing on wobbly legs I try to balance myself. "Jesus." Disgusted at what I was looking back at.

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