10 | Cherry Red

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3:30 pm

3:40 pm

3:59 pm

4:00 pm

4:10 pm

4:20 pm

As time was ticking by so was my temper. I couldn't wait anymore! Once Hazel had got home she sent me her location and told me to come and pick her up around 5:00 pm.

Maybe I should just go and wait there by her house. She only lived 20 minutes away from me. I could call her when it was close to the time to tell her to meet me-



Princess: Hey.

Me: Hey Princess

Princess: When you come, park a few blocks away from my house.

Me: Why?

Princess: Just do it!

Me: Damn, okay. R u ready btw?

Princess: Yeah u can come get me

Me: See u there in 20 Princess<3


I grabbed my car keys and a cooler and went to my garage. As I was locking my front door I get a call from somebody, reaching for my back pocket a smile is brought to my face, "Why hello Princess." The thought of her rolling her eyes at my greeting only made my grin widen.

"Hey." She whispered, "Why are you whispering?" I walked over to my car, placing the cooler in the backseat I insert the keys into the ignition, "My dad is home, and so is my brother." I hear something shut.

"So...what is the problem?" I hear her sigh, "I don't want them to hear me on the phone dumbass!" She whisper shouts. I connect my phone to Bluetooth, placing it in one of the cup holders I reverse out of my garage.

"And why don't you want them to hear you?"

"Because I'm talking to you. I don't randomly phone guys daily."

"Ryan is a guy."

"Ryan is also my best friend, plus he is gay."

"Do your parents have some sort of "no phoning boys policy."' I chuckled to myself, "Well...more like 'Snooping into my life policy."' She said seriously, "I see."

We both were silent for a while when she broke it, "The reason why I want you to park a few blocks away is that my dad will notice." She started to speak normally.

"What's the big deal with your dad finding out that I'm taking you?" I stopped at a red traffic light, "My dad can get kind of...paranoid, sometimes."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he isn't used to me leaving the house with a guy who isn't Ryan."

"Clearly you don't go out a lot."

"Shut up." She groaned. "Are you almost- Hey Matt!" Matt? Who is Matt? "Just a friend from school, she and I are going to the charity event tonight, along with Ryan," Hazel said to the other person in the room.

"Okay. Dad and I aren't going to be home when you come back, we might be out a little later than usual." Before I could listen anymore the call went silent.

"Hello?" She cut the call. What happened? It must've been something private she had to talk about. As I continue the drive to her place I insert a USB that had a playlist I made for her.

My Princess | 1Where stories live. Discover now