46 | I'm Coming Princess

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DISCLAIMER: I don't speak Spanish I used Google if it's wrong I'm sorry about that.

"Kai I just can't leave them, I need to give them some sort of note or a message that I'm leaving," I heard my mother on the other side of the door, "Baby, you told me you wanted to forget about them...you said we should run away together," Said the man.

I cracked the door open enough for me to get a glimpse of what was happening. The man's hand was on my mother's thigh, while her hand was holding one side of his face.

"Kai, I love you, I never stopped loving you even when we were in high school...I was stupid and immature at the time and I should have stayed with you..." She trailed off, "But you're gonna go back to them, aren't you?" He finished for her.

He lowered his head.

She nodded.


He quickly got up and darted for the door. Before he could open the door he stopped, which gave me some time to get the hell out of there.

I ran to the bathroom that was just across the hall, there was enough space for me to still hear what they were saying, "Veronica, I will be waiting." That was the last thing he said before he closed the door behind him and went back downstairs.

After I knew he had gone I closed the bathroom door behind me, sliding down the floor and hitting down on the ice-cold tiles.

Pools of tears streamed down my face, I covered my mouth so no one could hear the soft sobs that were escaping.

How could she do this to us? Our family? Oh my God, Dad! The single man that poured his heart out to her, she was now just going to throw it away for some high school sweetheart?!

I hate her.

Continuing to cry softly to myself, I hear a faint knock on the other side of the door, "Haze, you in there?" Without even responding I whip the door open.

Face-to-face with my mother, "What?" I snapped, she was first taken aback by my tone but quickly realized why I was crying, "Hazel I'm so-" I held my hand up indicating that I didn't want her excuse, "Save it, mum, I'm leaving." I walked past her, down the stairs and out the door.

"You ruined our family! it's your fault she died! The reason she was drunk, you filled all that shit in her head!" I couldn't take it anymore, all this pain in a single moment was too much to handle, "Aw don't cry my dear," Tears started welling in my eyes.

"Well...good news"-he clapped both his hands together-"Your boyfriend and his friends should be here any moment so why don't we get ready shall we?" He walked towards me slapping a piece of duct tape to my mouth and walked away.


"You have arrived at your destination." I turned the GPS off, "We're here guys." I moved the gear stick into parking and turned around to face the boys.

Valentino and Peter were fast asleep but JJ was awake, "Shit man, where are we?" JJ said, opening one of the back doors, "I don't know, let's just hope we are in the right place." I stepped out of the van and slammed the car door shut.

I opened the backside to the car and so did JJ but on the opposite side, "Peter, Val, wake up we're here." We both shook them,

"Shit, guys you wouldn't believe it, I dreamt that Kai took Hazel and then he want-"

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