12 | I Was Carefree

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"We're here." She cocked an eyebrow. We both opened our doors. "Woah." She walked over to the balustrade that overlooked New York, "This place is amazing!" She looked back to me, "How did you find this place?" I walked over to her.

"I come here when I'm stressed. when I need to get my mind of a few things." She nodded her head, "I see why. It's beautiful up here." A gust of cold air was huffed out of her mouth.

I walked back to my car. Bringing her my jacket, "Here." I hand it to her, "What about you?" She looked at the jacket in my hand, "I'm used to it." She tilted her head to the side.

"You sure?" I nodded my head. She took the jacket from my hand. Zipping it up, she curled the end of the sleeves around her hands, "Thank you." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"N-no problem." Shit! She looks so damn adorable right now. "I'm sorry again about today." I looked at her, but she continued to look ahead of her, "I told you to stop apologizing." She said.

"It was a simple mistake that you didn't know the reason behind." I placed my elbows on the balustrade, leaning on them, "And like I said...thank's to you guys. I probably would have never gotten over the fear of the sea." She looked at me and smiled.

"So I should really be thanking you instead of being upset about the whole thing." She cupped her hands over her mouth and started to blow, "You want to go back inside the car?" I pointed behind me, "I can put the heater on?" I took a step back.

She grabbed hold of my arm, "No. I want to stay out here." I nodded my head and stood next to her. I looked at her and then at her hand that was still holding my arm, "You're really warm." Her eyes went wide.

"Oh, God!" She let go, "I'm sorry, I-I don't know why I said that." She bit down on her lower lip. We stayed side by side. Standing in silence as we looked out at the different coloured lights.

I wanted to say something but I didn't know what. She looked more interested in staring at the view than talking, "Gosh, I love New York." She giggled to herself, "I've always loved it. During winter is the best time though." She chuckled to herself.

"Why winter?" I asked. "My dad used to bring my brother and me every Christmas break. We use to stay at the Hilton. Go over to the Statue of Liberty." She turned around, leaning backwards on her elbows.

She never seems to mention her mum. I wonder why?

"What about you, any memories to share?"

"Many. Too many to count."

"Come one then. Let's hear it."

I thought for a moment. Trying to recall one of my favourites, "I remember during every summer break my mother would take me to this amazing water park. The two of us use to have such a great time." I thought for a moment about those fun times, those carefree moments in my life.

I didn't have to worry about as much as I did now. I didn't have to be cautious about anything...I was carefree.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a call from Valentino, "You should answer it. They must be worried about where you went." I looked down at the phone, to her and then back at the phone.

"Nah. I'll see them at school tomorrow anyway." I tucked my phone away, "Shit." Hazel started to shiver, "The cold feels nice. Refreshing." Do it. Come on, hold her.

Hold her.

I walked up to her, "Hello." She looked up to me, "Are you-" I wrapped my arms around her, "I thought a hug would be nice. Since you're cold." I felt her body stiff under me, "Thank you." She leaned her head against my chest, sinking into me as she wrapped her arms around me.

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