41 | One And Only

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Before we could get any closer to our destined location I had blindfolded her.

"No peeking!" I turned left, "I'm not!" Parking my car, I switched it off and jumped out. I walked around the car, opening Hazel's door, I placed her hand in mine and closed the door behind her.

"Roman, come on! I want to see now," I untied the knot behind her head, "Before I remove this blindfold your eyes still have to be closed, she groaned but nodded her head in agreement.

I removed the blindfold and quickly replaced it with my hands. "Okay." My back stayed glued behind her as we started making out way down to the beach.

As we continued to make our way, we came across a few steps, "Roman! Hold me!" She squealed, "Don't worry Princess, I got you." I chuckled. I could feel her fingers gripping hard on my biceps, which caused friction in my pants.

Damn it.

"How much longer?" I could hear the joy in her voice, "Just a little bit longer, we are almost there." I made sure my fingers were close together so no gaps peeked in between.

A large gazebo had been set up for us. Twinkle lights entangled around the legs of the gazebo and the top. A table and two sets of chairs were set out perfectly under, pulling one of the chairs out, she takes a seat.

"Okay..." I removed both my hand," You can look now," Slowly, one eye opens after the other and immediately, she takes in the scenery around her.

Her head gazes up, seeing the lights brighten up the dark beach, she inhales deeply, soaking up the ocean sea.

"Oh, Rome this place is gorgeous." her eyes glimmered, "How did you manage to do all this?" She got up from her chair, leaning against the table, "I have my ways" I smirked.

I watched her honey hues glimmer in the soft moonlight, removing her shoes, she left then to the side, "Wow," She whispers in amusement as I watched her bury her feet into the cool sand.

I walk up to her, "You like it?" My throat started to close up, scared for the answer but by guessing from her reaction I'm damn sure she did.

"Do I like it? I love it! This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me," She wrapped her arms around my neck, my hands travelled down to her hips, "I'm so glad."

As our gaze watched one another, her breath hitched, she gulped heavily, licking her lips. I started to move closer towards her.

"Making you nervous Princess?" Placing both her hands on my chest, she pushed me away, "Me, Nervous? Yeah right," She snorts. God, she is fucking beautiful.

"You hungry?" I asked, "Starving." Her beautiful smile spreads across her plump lips. We both take our seats, and out of nowhere two waitresses come out, holding a silver platter in their hands.

Placing both down, they remove the lid's to reveal Hazel's favourite dish, "How did you know?" Spaghetti Bolognese. In advance, I asked her father what she liked and what she didn't. This dish is one of her favourites.

"As I said Princess, I have my ways." giving her a small grin she rolled her eyes at me and started to dig in.

Watching her twirl the long pasta string around the fork and popping it into the mouth was way more delicious than actually eating the food.

"Mmm...this is so fucking good," She moaned from the deliciousness. We both continued to eat and talk.

Future careers, where we wanna go to school, family, kids, and within that short amount of time she had told me so much about herself that I would never imagine.

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