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I opened the door coming in full view of Roman. "Hey Princess," He pecks me at the lips, "Hey," I said breathlessly.

Why am I so out of breath?!

"You ready to go?" I nodded, "Bye, Mariah." My eyes stayed glued to Roman, admiring him.

God, this man is truly beautiful.

We both headed out the door, Roman's Red Camaro sat outside in the parking lot, he opens the passenger side for me to climb in but I offer to drive. "Come on, I've always wanted to drive a Camaro especially a red one." I held my hands out to take the keys.

"You really are something else, Hazel Johnson." He hands me the keys. Instead of him opening the passenger side for me I wait for him to sit, he slides in while I walk over to the other side.

The car's engine comes to life once I turn the keys into place, hearing the engine was music to my ears. "When I was younger dad and I use to work on cars mainly old ones since he had a passion for them and so did I."

"Really?" I nodded. But when Mum died things were more different...he didn't need to know that.

I'll never forget how cars use to make me feel, the noise of the cars on the road, the loud engines echoing through the tracks always fascinated me.

I use to take my 1969 to a couple of races but after the crash...I stopped.


On our way to the party, all I could think was telling Roman about the phone call but for some reason, something was holding me back, I couldn't quite tell what it was.

"What are you thinking about?" Roman kept his eyes straight ahead of him but his body language was all on me. Keeping my eyes ahead I answered, "Nothing, just wondering," My grip around the string wheel tightened.

His hand rest on my inner thigh, trailing goosebumps along the side of my arm, "What did you do today?" He turned to face me, "Well, I went swimming, and I did a painting." I glanced over to him, "Of what?"

"My mum's favourite flower, orange tulips."

I found myself smiling at the memories of my dad always giving her a bouquet when it was their anniversary or her birthday, anytime he got the chance to see my-

"I want you to come and stay with me tonight." His question cut my thoughts off completely, "Rome, you know I would love to..." I trailed off, "But what?" His lips curved at the tips into a seductive smile.

"Because...what am I suppose to tell my dad? You know I have to tell him where I go and if he has to hear me sleeping at your place in the same bed the guy's death will come early for him" His deep sexy laugh filled the car.

"So tell him you're going to Ryan's" I gave him a look of sympathy, but I couldn't imagine getting myself caught especially with him, my father will disown us both, "I'll see." I stopped at a red traffic light, giving me the chance to fully admire the man sitting next to me.

His normal dark attire is on, black hoodie, black jeans with rips in the knees, but instead of his classic black boots, he wore white Air Force's.

He has been looking so much better recently, the dark circles under his eyes have started to lightly fade away, he seems more relaxed, not getting his usual moods.

But, I mean he always tends to switch up every now and then. We pull up to the house, "Whose house is this?" I was so captured by the three-story house Roman was already by my side, opening the car door.

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