19 | Alone Again

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"Oh my god." I lightly rub my bottom lip. I kissed Roman! "I kissed him," I whisper to myself. I was so confused about where my feelings stood for him, I kept going back and forth about liking him but...

My answer is clear as day now...I do lik-

"About time you came home." Jumping from his voice, my eyes dart infront of me, "Don't scare me like that!" I walk past Matthew to the kitchen, "Why did you come home so late?" I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water.

"Who are you to boss me around?" I took a sip, "You didn't tell me you were friends with Roman?" I scoffed, "Sorry dad. I didn't realize I had to report my every move to you too." He walked up to me, snatching the water out of my hand.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, "Where were you?" He demanded, "Why are you so curious all of a sudden?" He screwed his face, "What does that mean?" I walked away from him, "Exactly as I said." I stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"You're gone for most of the time, lying to me that you have classes when I know full well you don't." He opened his mouth about to say something when I spoke.

"You come home at odd hours of the night. And now, you have the nerve to ask where I was?" I said, "If you can tell me where you have been these past few weeks I will gladly tell you where I was." He closed his mouth.

"That's what I thought." I headed upstairs. I closed my room door and flopped on my bed, "What is his problem? Acting all high and fucking mighty." I rolled over to my side.

Don't forget you kissed Roman though.

I sit up. I almost forgot...I kiss Roman! What happens now? Are we in a relationship? Is he still with Emma? Am I his new fuck buddy or something?

"Oh, God." I shouldn't overthink the whole situation. Tomorrow I will call him and we can meet up to clear the air about this. "Ah! I kissed Roman!" I quietly squealed with joy from the thought.

I changed into some more comfortable clothing, turned off the lights and jumped back into bed, "I can't wait to see him." My heart fluttered softly as my eyelids closed and I drifted off to sleep.


"I don't want to see him!" I closed my locker shut, "Please, calm down." I look at Ryan, my nostrils flared from anger, "Calm down? Really? The bastard hasn't called in a week!" I walk away.

"Maybe something happened to him?" Ryan said, walking behind me. That made me stop, what if something bad did happen? What if he is hurt? "Wait. No, Kyle told me he saw him on the field during their training."

"Wow," I mumbled. He can go to training but not bother to pick up a single call I made. "Maybe you misread the situation?" I scoffed, "Taking me out? kissing me? All seems misleading?" Ryan pressed his lips together.

"Yeah, not very misleading." We walk up the stairs, "Don't you guys have classes together? And sit together?" I look at him knowingly, "Of course, if he was there I would have spoken to him." I sighed exhaustedly.

"I'm being a bitch right now." Ryan chuckled softly, "Maybe he will turn up at some point, you need to stop thinking about it so much and just let faith decide." He continues his way up.

"I don't want faith to mess this up." He rolled his eyes at me, "Like that can ever happen." We reached the top of the stairs and started to make our way to art.

"I know you like him. And I know you've realized it too." I could feel myself starting to blush, "I'm going to be harsh because this you hasn't been brought up in a long time." I nodded my head, ready for the brutal truth.

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