3 | Roman Smith

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"And that wasn't even her worst. She is capable of doing much more." I told Ryan the whole incident this morning, apparently that Emma girl can do way worse, "Just stick with me and we will be fine. Since we are in the same homeroom you won't have to worry about making any friends in your class." He assured me.

Thank God, the stress of making friends is too much. And one is more than enough for me, "Thank you, you have been a lot of help the entire time I've been here." We walked up some flight of stairs, "Of course. What are best friends for?" he chuckled.

When we reached the top of the stairs the bell rang, "Okay. That is the second period, you have biology." He turned me around, "Just continue straight and when you see a big sign that says science hall walk inside and look for room 5 biology." He turned me back around, "Where are you going?"

"We are split for this class, I got another lesson, but I'll be waiting outside your class so we can go to our next lesson, okay?" I smiled and nodded my head, "You'll be fine." He gave my forehead a kiss and walked away.

I looked down at the sheet of paper in my hand, reading the name of the class I'm supposed to be in while looking at each door in the science hall for the right room. "Where the fuck is this class?" I mutter to myself.

Continuing to gaze down at the paper my head bumps into a very hard wall. Or that's what I thought, "What the-" When I looked up, rubbing the top of my head I see this gorgeous face looking down at me.

It was the same handsome guy from the park!

He was beautiful. His olive skin glistened in the golden sunlight, his eyes were a deep brown, the same colour as his hair. His tousled hair fell so perfectly over his forehead.

There was a deep slit in his right eyebrow, making me want to reach out and touch it, curious as to know what had happened. My eyes roamed down his muscular body, admiring the muscles that rippled over his shirt.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I-I wasn't paying attention." Stutter?! When have I ever stuttered?! All he did was glare at me and walk away. He may be beautiful but is rude as hell. He walks past me, allowing me to get a wafting smell of his scent. Men's cologne and mint.

I wanted to turn around to get a look at him one more time but when I checked the time on my phone, I was already five minutes late.


"So how was your first class!" Ryan stuff's his phone into his pocket and wraps his arm over my shoulder, "Awful! Was that woman having an exorcist during her time- Ryan what happened to you!?"

I rubbed my thumb over his bottom lip, he winced, jerking back, "It's nothing. I just got into a small problem in class this morning." His bottom lip had a large cut going down to his chin, "Do you want to go to the nurse again?" He shook his head.

"Don't worry about it." Ryan starts to laugh, "So continue explaining about your exorcist teacher."

"She spoke slower than a sloth could move! It made me so tired just listening to her."

"You get used to it." He chuckled, "It comes in very handy when taking notes you know." I rubbed the side of my temples.

"Our next class is art, you might enjoy this lesson." We make our way over to the art room when I noticed someone standing next to the classroom. He leaned against the side of the wall, his hands in his hoodie pocket.

He looked like he must have played for the Lacrosse team because that was what it said on his hoodie, "Hey, I'll meet you inside, why don't you go find us a table to sit at?" He looks down at me, "Sure." I walk inside and I watch Ryan walk over to that boy.

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