52 | My Princess

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{Three In The Morning}





What the fuck is that noise?

Roman and I were sound asleep when I faintly hear someone's phone ring, "Roman..." I groaned. "Check who it is." He kissed my hair.

I felt the bed shift, "Babe, it's your phone," Roman handed me my phone, "Ugh, who the fuck is calling me at three in the morning?" His arm went back around my waist.

"Hello?" I said in a husky voice, "H-haze?" It was Mariah, "Mariah? Are you okay?" I slowly opened one eye,

"I'm so s-sorry b-baby-y" Stutters and sobs, blocked her from what she was saying, "Mariah, what happened? Why are you crying?" I was on full alert and so was Roman

I sat up, leaning against the headboard, "They're gone, baby!" She started to cry more, "Mariah you're scaring me. Who is gone?" My chest started to tighten, what was happening?

She sighed, taking a deep breath before talking, "Your father and Matthew, I'm so sorry baby-" The phone dropped to my side, I shake my head. There's a lump in my throat and pain in my chest.

No, this can't be right. This is a mistake. There is something wrong, nothing happened to them. They are fine...

My hands started to shake, my mind fogging up. No, this can't be true, this had to be a mistake. "Haze? Babe? what happened?" He turned to me, cupping the side of my face, his warmth against me felt so good.

A tear trickled down my face, my breathing becoming faster. I looked up at him, droplets of warm years clouding my vision.

"The-there gone..." I bury my face in my hands, sobbing. "Baby, please talk to me, who is gone?" I could hear the emotion in his voice.

I tried to tell him but the lump in my throat blocked all words that could escape. This is wrong. This isn't right.

This is a lie. A dream. It's not real.

I got up from the bed, needing some space. I stood in the middle of the room; I looked Roman in the eyes, I couldn't even see gin clearly, my mind was hazy, my eyes blocking any form.

"They're gone!" I fell to the floor crying. He quickly scooped me in his arms, hold me close to his chest.

"R-Rome, my brother and dad...They're gone! Roman...They are...Gone!" I screamed, "Sh...sh...I got you, I got you, Princess...I got you." Roman rocked me back and forth as a sobbed into his chest.

My family was gone.

I had no one.

No one.

Continuing to sob, I felt myself getting light-headed and darkness surrounding me. The last thing I remembered was hearing Roman whisper something into my ear.


{Two Weeks Later}

It was happening.

There was no denying it.

She was leaving.

Yesterday was the first time I'd seen Hazel, seeing her at the funeral just made things worse. I saw her standing over the two caskets. Not a single tear was shed from her.

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