40 | Red Dress

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{Five Hours Earlier}

I had received a call this morning from Kai, asking me to meet him at the warehouse in 20.

knew exactly what for, he was going to try and convince me on joining his crew again but, that wasn't gonna happen, not again. I wouldn't even if I needed the protection, I couldn't put my family in any more danger especially now. Hazel, she meant so much to me and he already found out about her.

Today was also the day I was taking Hazel out for her first date, luckily I had a couple of hours left to kill before I needed to get ready and to make sure they had all the preparations sorted down at the beach for us.

I planned on taking her down to one of the private beaches my mum owned, we were going to have our dinner there.

Since she had a fascination for the stars, I knew this was going to be the perfect date for her.

I pulled up to the warehouse, Kai's workshop, all his guns and other sacred weapons were designed here, I've come several times to pick up a few of those weapons before for him.

Passing through the working men I went to the back of the warehouse, up the stairs and took a right to be infront of his office doors.

Two to three knocks on the expensive wood, I opened the door, with it just being slightly ajar he somehow knew it was me, "Don't be shy now Roman, come on in." Opening the door fully I see him sitting behind his desk.

his feet propped up on the wooden desk, his fingers linked together, lying atop his chest, cigar in mouth and that engrossed smirk of his, plastered on his face.

"Take a seat." He said with the cigar in his mouth. Coming closer towards him, I sat down in the leather armchair in front of his desk, "Roman. Do you know what I care about most?" He took the cigar out of his mouth and dunk it into the ashtray.

Without saying anything in reply he continued to speak, "Family, Stella, Hunter..." He looked behind him, "You." He turned his gaze back to me.

I watched him stand up, stuffing his hand in his pockets. In dad silence I watch him pick up a bottle of Jack Daniels and starts to pour a large amount in one of the whiskey glasses next to it.

"And with you being part of the family..." He screws the lid back on and looks back out the glass window to watch all of his men at work. His dirty work. I thought to myself which made my teeth clench together.

"That means you need to stay included and obviously not left behind," Continuing to stare out the window, "I want what is, best for you I truly do, but I can't give it to you if you keep wanting to run away from me." He removed his left hand from inside his pocket, curling it into a tight fist.

"I don't care anymore..." I said, "Hunter is gone Kai-" "Don't bring him into this! He isn't the cause of my act-"

"You need to stop all this crap and focus on Stella! Who knows what shit could happen to her!" I yelled, quickly standing up, listening to the legs screech against the white tiles.

Hunter was Kai's younger brother. He died last year, the guy was only 45, he had his whole life ahead of him. The former mafia boss, shot him, straight in the head.

Their father. Their father who was the former mafia boss...shot him, his own son.

After that tragedy, Kai was a wholly different man, his whole demeanour changed, everything about him changed, Hunter was what kept Kai sain, a whole.

One piece.

Now that he was gone there was no one there to guide him in the right direction, I tried helping him but he just pushed me further away, making bad decisions and much more to come.

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