42 | I Want You

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Wrapping my legs around his lower torso, I manage to flip us both, "You like be on top don't you." He said while smirking, making the muscles me my thighs tighten around him.

With my legs on opposite sides of him, my hands gripping his shoulders, our bodies pressed against each other, leaving not even a single inch of space between us two.

His hands move from my waist lower down to my hips and thighs, sliding up down, teasing me. I rock back and forth feeling him harden beneath me. I let out a slight moan and bite my lip, knowing that makes him go crazy.

He stops me by pushing me down right on top of him. "Don't test me, Princess." His voice was low and sexy, "Is that a challenge...Roman Smith?" I hear a low growl erupt from him, "Want to make it one?" He slowly crept up to me.

"Don't be upset when you lose." He chuckled. "Oh, Princess..." He lowered his eyes to my chest.

"I never..." He planted a soft kiss onto the hardened bud that was popping out, "ever..." His tongue swirled around the fabric, feeling it seep onto my scorching nipple.

"Lose." He trailed kisses from my chest up to my throat. I think I'm going to cum just by his kisses. Before reaching my lips once more where his mouth hovered over mine, his hot breath fanning over my face.

"Rome, I-" Before my sentence could be said he lips latch onto mine once more.

Feeling the arousal within me want to break free. My hands gripped tighter around his hair.

I began to rock faster again his throbbing erection, his grip tightening on my hips, his fingernails digging deep into my skin, the pain was ecstatic. It was alluring.

"I...want..." I breathed out.

Before we could move any further. He stopped.

"What is it you want, Princess?" His hands cupped the sides of my face.

Without any hesitation, I said, "You. I want you, I want every inch of you inside me, to be with me. I want you to hold me close to you as you make me cum. Set me free." I smashed my lips onto his, giving it my all, pouring everything I feel for him, all my love-


Pouring all my love into this one kiss.

I...love him.

Oh god. There it was, it may have been too early to realize it but what if I did and I just didn't realize it before.

I truly love Roman and no one was going to tell me otherwise. The only problem now was did he feel the same way? Will he ever say it to me? Or even back to me?

I had to push all the negativity out the door and focus on this special moment we were sharing, I wanted him to have all of me it was a risk I was willing to take, for him I would do anything.

"It's time for me to take over." He turns us both over, his giant figure beneath me. My hands frame the sides of his face until I lift my head to go in for a kiss, he slowly lowers himself down, deepening the kiss.

With every inch of him getting closer to me, our bodies come in contact, the intoxicating scent of his cologne creeps up on me, making my mind delirious. My head starts to spin from being overwhelmed by it all.

Kissing Roman was like kissing a literal God. His tongue was skilled in more ways than you could imagine, it made me forget about everything, my surroundings, problems, you name it, every care I had gone out the door when I was with this man.

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