5 | I Like You A Lot

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This exhausting week had finally come to a closing. As I walk out of the school I feel someone tug at my shirt, "Hey Johnson." Oh my god. I can't take it anymore! JJ Tucker is a funny guy no doubt, sweet too. But annoying as hell!

This whole week this guy has been by my side, he either is walking me to my next class, walking me to lunch, walking me to my car, seeing me in the halls. Everywhere! I need to tell him how I truly feel, so this 'following' can stop.

"Hey JJ. you're not walking with your friends?" I point over to the opposite direction where I can see his friends walking to their cars, "Nope. felt like-" I cut him off. I needed to come clean before going any further.

"JJ listen." I open the door to the driver's side, throwing my bag inside and closing it, "I like you a lot JJ." I see a broad smile appear on his lips, "As a friend." His mouth gaps open, "What, why?!" He whines like a small kid, "I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. Or any time soon for that matter." I said.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but this past week has been really enjoyable for me with you there. I hope our friendship doesn't change?" He sighed, then chuckled softly, "Of course, not Hazel Johnson." He takes a step closer to me.

"I had fun." He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "Have a great weekend Johnson. See you Monday!" He walks away from me, waving goodbye. I wave back at him.

Inhaling deeply, I release. "Well, that went better than expected." I open the car door, jumping in, starting it and making my way out of the school parking lot and onto the main road.

I lightly press on the brakes as I make a stop at one of the traffic lights. Tapping my fingers against the steering wheel to the music that softly plays in the background. Once the light had turned green I hear my phone ring, "Shit." I mutter.

Continuing to drive I dig in my bag to find my phone, "Where the fuck is it?" The phone stopped ringing, I was going to leave it but it started to ring again, "Fuck this." I pull over to the side and pick up my bag, placing it on my lap I find the phone and answer it.

"Hey, da-" His loud voice shuts me off, "What the hell took you so long?! Do you know what a panic you gave me?!" I let out a long sigh. "Dad. I was driving." he gasped, "Hazel, my darling I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I slightly chuckled.

"I'm fine dad, I pulled over to the side."

"Okay. Good, I'm sorry I did that."

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

"Are you almost home?" I looked ahead of me, "Uh...maybe about 15 minutes away?" He went silent, "Dad? You there?" I put my phone on speaker, placing it on my lap as I drove back onto the road and continued my way home. "Yes, yes. As long as you're safe, I'm okay." I let out a sigh.

"Dad. Stop worrying about it, I pulled over so nothing happened okay? I'm perfectly fine." No matter what I was saying I knew he wasn't listening to me, "Sure honey. I have some more work to do so I won't be at home." He said.

"Okay. That's fine, I'll end the call and let you get back, love you dad." I was trying to sound positive but I could still hear him worrying, "Love you too darling." He cut the call, "Oh God." I muttered to myself.

I made a turn, driving on our street, coming closer and closer to our house when I could see Matthew's car in our driveway.

I park my car next to his, grabbing all my stuff I make my way inside, "I'm home!" I drop my back to the floor, kicking my shoes off I walk over to the kitchen to find some food in the fridge as I listen to my stomach growl.

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