17 | Someone Is Naive

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"God, Ryan I just wanted him to kiss me!" I stuffed my mouth with chips, "Looks like somebody is in love." Ryan said singsongingly, "Not love..." I said with a mouth full of food, "But. Like." I swallowed.

"Uh-huh." He got up and went to the bathroom. "So, Kyle wants me to meet his parents soon." He flushed and started to wash his hands, "Oh wow! That's nice. When?" Ryan looked at me through the mirror as he dried his hands.

"Not sure. He said probably at the end of the month since his parents are busy." I nodded my head, "Do you plan on talking to Roman again." I placed the bag of chips on the table and laid down on the bed.

"I don't know. Just thinking about the whole situation makes my head hurt." I rubbed my temples, "You're such a baby." He giggled, "Shut up." I groaned.

"What time is it?" He got up, checking his phone he starts to gather his stuff, "I gotta go. My mum wanted me home early." He slings his bag over his shoulder, "Oh. I thought we were going to watch that movie?" I said.

"Yeah...I promised her." You're going to meet up with Kyle. "Of course. I'll see you later then." I hugged him and he left.

I closed my room door behind me. "Dad is out with a friend for drinks, Matt is MIA as usual. Mariah is spending time with her family. Ryan doesn't want to tell me, but I know he is going to see his boyfriend." I huff out annoyingly, "I'm home and all alone." Why not do some school work.

I did miss a few days of school and Ryan was kind enough to bring any work we did so I can catch up, "I should get all that done." I get up and sit at my desk.


"Oh god!" I stretch out my arms and legs. I have been sitting at this desk for the past three hours and I am still home alone and bored!

"Maybe I can go to the mall." I turn my phone on, going onto the uber app to book a car for me since I didn't feel like driving there.

"Mmm...what time should I-Roman?" A message pops up from him. Tapping onto it, I read what he sent.


Roman: Hey Princess.

Should I do three y's or two? Maybe three is too many?

Me: Heyy

Roman: I just wanted to know if u were busy today.

Me: I'm just catching up on some work rn.

Should I ask him if he wants to come over? I bite on my nail, deciding whether he will say yes or no, "Ugh. There is no harm in asking to study together...right?"

Me: U can come by and we can study 2gether?

Roman: Is ur bro and dad home?

Me: Nope. The coast is clear I'm home alone.

Roman: Then I'm deff coming. See u there in 15.

Oh, God! Roman is coming! Here, to my house! I had to get ready. I change out of my shorts and t-shirt and into a pair of black sweatpants, a maroon tank top and a beige cardigan.

Thank God for showering early this morning!

Since my hair was straightened the day before I just used a clip to pin the hair infront back, "Okay..." I straightened my cardigan in the mirror, "Not so bad."

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