29 | Trust Issues

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"What do you have now?" I looked down at my phone to check the time, "I got a free period, the teacher told us they weren't coming in today and let us have a free period," Ryan groaned out of jealousy.

"Take me with you!" I laughed, "No way! You need to go to math, don't you have a topic test next week?" He pouted and nodded, "Go," I pushed him gently.

"I'll be waiting for you outside your math class," His face lit up, "Okay!" He kissed me goodbye and left for math class.

Now...what am I supposed to do?

"I'll go to the field." I placed my Airpods into my ears and made my way over to the field.

I opened both the glass doors and walked across the field over to the bleachers. Taking a seat at the top, I open my bag and took out a book to read.

It was nice to feel the cool breeze brush against my face and the warm sun reflect onto me. It's been so long since the last time I've picked up a book.

The light flutters of the pages.

The nostalgic smell.

the intricate cover that has a different meaning behind every story.

The Catcher in the Rye. One of my favourites. I flip through th pages to land on the first chapter, reading the few sentences, invested in the words infront of me, when someone blocks the sun from me, casting a dark shadow.

As always, good things never last.

"What an attention whore," I heard her laugh, "Sitting all by herself, trying to seek attention I see," I heard her friends laugh along.

Smell the flowers...blow the candles.

Smell the flowers...blow the candles.

Smell the flowers...blow the candles.

I close the book, taking a deep breath, I stand up, "Yes Emma..." I say exhaustedly, getting so fed up by her bad attitude, "Yes, I am sitting alone."

"Where is that gay friend of yours? Are you sure he even is gay? He seems to hover more than he should around-"

"Unlike you, I don't need side fuckers clinging next to me all damn day. Ryan is in class, at least he wants an education and not depending on his daddy all the time." I sit back down.

"Excuse me?" She hovers closer to me, "Must I repeat myself?" I looked up to her, watching her nostrils flare, "Must I repeat myself? Or put it into a sentence you understand better?" I quickly got up, making her stumble back a bit.

"Choose?" She looked at me, bewildered by my attitude towards her, "You listen to me....whore," She walked closer to me, getting a strong smell of her perfume, her nose almost touching mine.

"How dare you fucking talk to me-!" She pokes her finger into my chest. That's it, I'm done. "Listen to me you little bitch!" I grabbed her finger, squeezing it tight.

I could just snap it in half...like a twig.

"Wha-?" The fear in her eyes made me smile, the scared look on her face made my body explode with joy.

"You've been giving me hell ever since I arrived here, I don't know what your fucking deal is but leave me the fuck alone, you already have what was mine! What more do you need?" Her face pinched, pain settling in her as I tightened my hold.

"Don't you ever touch me again," I released her finger, pushing her back along too, "Emma!" Her friends grab her from behind, pulling her up.

I turned on my heel and walked away, a broad smile curled at the tip of my lips, happy with myself.

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