51 | Pure Bliss

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Roman planted a kiss over my panties, right on my opening, leaving a moan escaping from my lips.

I bite my bottom lip from saying anything else. I wrap my legs around his head, as he begins to gently peel my panties off my body.

"You're so wet...just for me...just how I like it." He gently blew against my wetness, running chills down my spine.

Gripping my thighs firmly, he pinned them down to the bed, "Don't move." He demanded.

And I see why he said so, I felt his warm tongue graze ever so lightly on my clit, gushing my liquids out of me.

"Mmm...right there," I whisper moaned, I felt his pace quicken, making my hips go higher up, deepening his strokes, "I missed your taste so much..." It had only been a couple of hours since we fucked in his car but that time felt so far away.

"Oh my God..." Pushing my hips higher with every stroke he made, craving more of his senseless tongue on me.

Yes...right there...I love it when you taste me right-

I was reaching my end when he stopped. I flutter my eyes open but were immediately shut when I feel him plunge in a finger, "Fuck..." I trail.

I curl a fist around the sheets, tugging at them with full strength, trying to hold onto something while I'm getting devoured.

I feel his finger curl on the inside of me. With every thrust of my hips, the deeper his finger felt on the inside of me.

Even his fingers are big. It makes me feel so...ful-

"What's my name?" What? Does he really want me to answer that? "What is my name...Princess?" He asked once more.

"I-I...mmm..." His finger moved faster within me, "Say it." He demanded. "R-roman..." I breathed, this intoxicating feeling flushing over me.

"Try again." His pace slowed. The sexual frustration creeping up fast, "Roman!" I bucked my hips higher, pushing his fingers inside me.

"Wrong answer, Princess." I started feeling empty on the inside, his finger retreating further and further out.

"Rome!" I moan his name louder, which earns me another finger inside my slick opening.

He pumps both of his fingers in and out, hitting my G-spot continuously, "Fuck, baby you're so tight. Want me to stretch that pussy of yours?" I've never been so turned on, feeling my arousal dripping down my leg, and I need him inside of me.



I felt his finger hit my core, knots in my stomach forming with each plunge of his finger, "Answer my question...Princess." What question?

"I...I...I..." How does he expect me to focus when he is doing this?!

He slid out of me, I opened my eyes, watching him taste me, his fingers inside his mouth, his tongue swirling around my juices, making sure he got every last drop of me.

"I guess, I'll stop." He pulled down his jeans. His dick springing out, "What...shall I do?" He stroked himself...once...twice, precum falling to the sides, making me want to lick it.

What was it?

My eyes gaze to his cock, he reaches for the back pocket, pulling out a condom. I watch him slide it on.

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