38 | Orion's Belt

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Strong arms support my body and neck, I know this feeling. Without having to question it I knew exactly who it was.

I didn't remember much of what happened after the party except the constant pain that was throbbing in my head.

I gradually opened my eyes seeing black ink trace its way to the top of his chest. I wanna touch it. My fingers started to trace the intricate details, "Princess..." Roman groans, sucking in a breath. He lowered his head, looking deep into his eyes, a bright smile curves at his lips.

"Hey handsome," He jiggled the key into the door, and pushed it open with his foot, continuing to carry me. "How are you feeling?" He slowly placed me on the bed.

The last time I was here didn't go very well. I sat up, leaning against the navy blue headboard. "Do you want any water?" He made his way into the bathroom and started to fill the tub "I'm okay, thanks. What happened?" I rubbed the side of my temples, "You passed out...again" He came up to me, placing one of his t-shirts and boxers.

"I can wash your clothes in the meantime, you take a shower and they'll be ready in the morning?" He handed me his clothes, "Yeah sure," I got up.

Standing outside the bathroom door I slowly removed my sweater, creating a pool around my legs, next was my bra, unclasping it from behind, leaving my top half...bare.

Oh my God! What the hell am I doing?!

I turn around, seeing roman staring at me, I rolled my jeans down, stepped out of the pool of clothes, I close the bathroom door. I lower myself to the ground, letting my back lean against the cold wooden door.

I bite down my bottom lip, trying to hide my smile.

I removed my underwear, tied my hair into a bun and hopped into the tub, washing away the strong stench of alcohol off my body. This feels so nice.

"Princess..." There was a knock at the door, " I'm heading out, I'll be back." Heading out, where? "Okay," I didn't want to get into his business, if he wants to tell me, he will.

After a while, I get out of the tub to see the door open ajar, I grab the towel, wrapping the warmth around me, I step out into the room and started getting dressed.

His oversized boxers didn't fit so I made a little knot on the side, in the corner of my eyes I noticed a balcony, I open the sliding doors to get a waft of the cold breeze against my face.

When Autumn and Winter mixed it was always my favourite, the cold against my skin felt natural almost, I sprawl myself out on the day bed with my hands behind my head and look towards the sky.

Seeing Orion's belt high up made me picture my mum, watching her attempt to trace the stars into objects wasn't achieved, I grabbed the blanket that was neatly folded and opened it out to cover my legs.

My eyelids started to get heavy, I was planning on staying awake until Roman came back but...it wouldn't hurt to just rest my eyes for a bit...


"Hazel listen to me...we are...there is nothing going on...with me...and that man..." She said in between giggles, "No Mum," I chuckled darkly, "The problem is that something was going on between you two!" I yelled back.

"Hazel Please I'm begging you don't tell your father!" Her pleading cries didn't work...not this time.

"You betrayed us, Mum! You Betrayed Matthew and me! You betrayed dad! The one-man that loves you with all his heart, you just threw it away!" The anger inside me rages furiously, "Hazel I-I wasn't thinking straight, I love your-your father-"

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