36 | Orange Tulips

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The rest of the night went well, Matthew and I spoke about football and how I kicked his ass during the game we played against one another, Hazel's dad continued to throw questions at me but I didn't blame him he was only looking out for his daughter.

When the night came to an end I thanked all of them for the amazing night.

Once our cars arrived Hazel's dad pulled me aside. "Roman, Can I speak with you for a minute?" Hazel looked to her father, giving me a questioning look.

"Yeah, sure." I gave Hazel a small smile before walking away with her father, "Listen, Roman..." He exhaled heavily, "I know you're a good kid," He said, "And I may have pissed you off tonight but that is my daughter you are seeing." He placed a hand on my shoulder.


"Please, Ryan."

"Ryan, I understand completely and you have nothing to worry about."

"I know, and I thank you for your assurance but..." He scratched the side of his jaw, "Just watching Haze around you has brought pure joy for me mainly, her habits around me and at home have changed tremendously, we all were suffering but she...was the worst." His face turned into a sad expression.

"You have really brought life back into my little girl's life and I thank you for that deeply, just take good care of her." His gaze shifted over to her, "She is like a wildfire but delicate as glass." He stared at Hazel who was laughing at something Matthew said.

"You don't have to worry about anything Ryan, she is in good hands." I was confused about what he was talking about, I was thinking of bringing it up but it seemed to upset him so I ignored it.

I saw both our cars pull up, we made our way back to them. "Thank you again Johnson family, this was a lovely dinner."

"No problem man, come again yeah?" Matthew shook my hand, "Yes, don't hesitate to come by again." Ryan shook my hand after.

I was about to hop in my car and she came up to me, "Thank you Rome, my father has seemed to grow a real liking for you," She giggled. "I'm also sorry about your dad." She held the side of my jaw, "It's okay, there is no need for you to apologize, you didn't even know." I leaned into her touch.

"I'll call you when I get home, okay?" she pecked me at the lips and went to her dad. I watched her walk over to the car, before walking in she waved at me once more before getting in.


On the way home all I could think about was what my dad might've said to Roman, I don't think it was anything bad because when they finished talking Roman seemed more relaxed than he was all night.

Once we arrived at home I went upstairs to change and call Roman. Pulling a t-shirt over my head I dialled Roman's number, after two rings Roman picked up, "Hi." His voice was deep. "Hey." Ask him, he'll tell you, ask him!

"So-" His laugh cut me off, "You want to know what your dad said to me?" I bit down on my bottom lip. He knew me so well. "What did he say to you?" He chuckled, "He just wanted to assure me that you were his daughter and I should watch my back around him."

"Oh, God." I groaned, swiping a hand down my face, "I'm sorry." His laugh filled my ear, "No need to apologize Princess." His nickname for me made my stomach flutter.

It normally annoyed me but now...I loved it.

"So what now? Are you guys like best buds?" I giggled while twirling a strand of hair around my finger, "Mmm...more or less..." It sounded like he had something else to say,

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