14 | I'm Sorry

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{1 Week Later}

It's been a week since I spoke to Roman. A week since the beach party. And a week since you had a sex dream about him. I shake my head from that thought.

It was a mistake. It didn't mean anything.

I rub the side of my temples, super exhausted. "And then we both went to this amazing- Hey!" Ryan snaps his fingers in my face, "Have you heard a word I've said so far?" I take a sip of my orange juice, "I'm sorry. I haven't been feeling super great." I plop my head on the table.

"You're telling me." He scoffed, "I haven't seen you this past week. You've been dodging me the whole time." he unscrewed the bottle cap for his water, "I thought coming here might...help things a little." He took a sip.

Ah...I see this little game he is playing.

I lift my head, cocking an eyebrow at him, "The guilt card. Really?" I scoffed and placed my head back on the table, "If it means I'm having to use my guilt card to not ruin my MacDonalds breakfast and to try and get some helpful info out of you, then yes. I am trying to make you feel guilty." He sighed.

"You know...you still haven't told me what happened the night of..." I thought he would've dropped that by now, "I told you already." He rolled his eyes at me, "We spent time at the beach. He took me to someplace and-"

"And went straight home, yeah. I got the whole story." He took a bite of his hashbrown, "Then why are you behaving like this?" He gestured towards me, "Like what?" I screwed my face, "Like a..." He leaned close to me, "Like a sulking bitch!" I chuckled.

"I am not sulking."

"You were in bed for the past two days."

"I was tired. School has been on my ass lately, I've been super worn out."

"So worn out that your dad even had to call me?"

Fuck. Why does he always do this when it comes to my dad? "Ugh! Your so fucking irritating you know that?" I sunk into my chair, "Okay fine!" I grabbed my juice from the table, "That night didn't end so...simple."

I told him everything. From the incident at the beach, the place he took me to. Me crying infront of him for fuck sake! And how he called me after. I made sure to fill him on every single detail.

"No!" he jumped up from his seat. Everyone that was sitting around us looked in our direction, "Can you not make such a big scene?" I covered my face with my hands, "I'm sorry." He sat down.

"This is insane." I nodded and took a bite of my breakfast burger, "He kind of made a dick move when he took so long to come to the door," He said, "Right! I stood there like a fucking idiot." Ryan laughed softly.

"What are you going to do now?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. And I don't really care." I swallowed the food in my mouth, "I went on that stupid date with him, he is now happy. I am not. We'll leave it at that." Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No. I don't want a god damn lecture from you right now. It's been over a week. He hasn't made a single effort and neither will I." Ryan pressed his lips together, "Thank you." I said sarcastically.

"Hedidaskaboutyou." Ryan mumbled so fast I missed the whole sentence, "What did you say?" He sipped on his water and looked away, "Hey, hey! What did you say?" He closed his eyes, cursing under his breath.

"Roman...came to me." My eyes went wide, "And you didn't-!" I dropped my head into my hands, super angry at him right now, "And you didn't bother to tell me?!" Trying hard to keep my voice low, "I forgot!" I scoffed, "Wow." I got up.

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