2 | I'm New

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Listening to the engine of my car come to life was pure music to my ears. I threw my bag to the passenger seat and jumped into the driver side. Turning the keys into the ignition, I look into my review mirror to see the garage door sliding upwards.

"Love you honey, have a good day!" Dad, Mariah, and Matthew all stood outside waving goodbye to me, "Thanks!" Mariah blew me a kiss and said, "Enjoy my girl!" These people think I'm going off to war, "Love you all!" I yell as I drive off.

I giggle to myself once I'm out of our driveway and onto the road, "They worry too much." I said to myself. They have nothing to worry about because I'm fine. As I said, this is a fresh start for me, time to go back to my old habits and forget about everything that has happened.

I blast the music in the car, bobbing my head up and down to the lyrics.

The mirror's image, it tells me it's home time

But I'm not finished, 'cause you're not by my side

And as I arrived I thought I saw you leavin', carryin' your shoes

When I come to a stop at a red traffic light I hear my phone ring, reaching for my bag I quickly fish for my phone, "Hello?" I leave it on the dashboard, on speaker and continue to drive, "How is the drive going honey?" I roll my eyes, of course, it was dad.

"Dad. It has only been ten minutes."

"A lot can happen in ten minutes you know."

"Okay, dad." I laughed.

I take a left and can already see the school, "Wow. You can't really miss this school huh?" I stopped infront of two giant golden gates, blocking my view of the school, "Name?" A security guard appears next to me, "Oh! Morning. Hazel, Johnson." Let's hope there are more cheerful people here.

"You got your school ID?" I reach over to the passenger side, digging inside my bag again I quickly take out my ID to show the security guard, "Great, you can go right ahead." He hands me back my ID, "Thanks." He gives his head a nod and walks away.

"That man was so rude, my god."

"Who was?"

"That security guard, I had to show him my school ID and he was such an ass." I huff out in annoyance, "I'm calling them right-"

"Dad." I warned, "Can you please, relax. I'm parking my car right now, so I got to go okay?" Parking my car in one of the empty spots I turn my car off, "Okay. I'll see you later then, I love you, honey." I smile down at the phone, "I love you too dad." He ends the call.

I let out a sigh of relief. I stuff my phone back into my bag, leaning my head against the headrest. I swipe my hand down my face, this was happening. I was going to go to a new school.

I wasn't scared when I was at home or last night, why am I paranoid now?

It's just school. It's another snobby rich school, for rich asshole kids who have bad attitudes and a shit ton of money. Nothing wrong with that.

I take one last breath before grabbing my bag and jumping out of the car. I sling the strap over my shoulder, shutting my car door and walking over to the school, "Just school Hazel, nothing scary about that." I mumble to myself.

I get to the front few steps that lead you right in, just from standing outside and judging from the inside, this school looked like it was meant to be a castle. I run up the few steps and push open the twin glass doors.

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