15 | Daddy Issues

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It's been a week since I spoke to Hazel. A week since the beach party. It's been brutal. She was absent for the first three days and every time I had the chance to talk to her during our lessons together she had either gone home early or was in the nurse's office.

I was sitting in my car. My hand's gripping the steering wheel, eyes straight ahead of me. I revved my car a few times before I moved the gearstick into driving mode and sped off.

I was pissed. Upset. And the only way to cope with these many mixed emotions was to...drive.

I had spent the entire weekend here. Day and night, just driving up and down this path. while thinking about her. I slam onto the brakes, the car coming at an abrupt stop.

My head jerks back, landing on the headrest, "Holy shit." I rub the back of my head. I have been trying so hard to try and forget everything, mainly her for the most part.

But it clearly hasn't been going so well. Just do it. Give her a call. I look next to me to see my phone sitting in the passenger seat. I pick it up, scrolling through my contacts I find her name.

You can do it. See how she is doing, give her a call. I dial her number, pressing the phone to my ear as I hear the continuous ringing as I wait for her to pick it up. "Come on, pick up." It cut.

I had a feeling she wouldn't answer. She has been avoiding me this entire week, why would she answer my call all of a sud- she is calling me.

Hazel is calling me! What do I do? Shit, shit. "Hey, Princess," I answered the call, trying to act super relaxed. "Hey Roman..." Wow. It feels so nice to hear her voice after so long.

"How are you?" I tapped my finger against the steering wheel, "I'm-I'm good. What about you?" I chuckled to myself, she must be nervous. "I'm doing fine," I said, not knowing what else to ask her.

"Yeah. I'm glad you're doing good. So um...was there a reason for you calling?" Yes, there is. I wanted to know if you wanted to meet up tomorrow, so I could apologize to you.

"No. Just wanted to make sure you were okay." You idiot. "Right. Okay then, I'll talk to you later." I knew she was about to cut the call. This is your only chance.

Fuck it, "I had asked Ryan what was going on with you since you missed the first three days of school." I heard her sigh, "Shit. I completely forgot about that project we had to do."

"Don't worry about it. The teacher was absent that day and he ended up forgetting and nobody reminded him." I said, "Well thank God for that." I laughed.

"I- shit. I'm sorry, I'm getting another call." I was about to tell her until I heard my phone buzz again, removing it from my ear I see someone else calling me.

No, this cannot be happening. Not him, I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Oh yeah. I'll see you at school then." I quickly cut the call before the other one ended.

"Why are you calling me?" I heard his deep chuckle, "Lighten up a bit Roman. A father can't come and check up on his son?" Now it was my turn to laugh, "Yeah right. You stopped being my father a long time ago." He went silent.

"I'm surprised you even picked up. I expected you to ignore my call-" I cut him off, not falling for this innocent crap, "Cut the shit. What is it you want because I know for a damn you don't care about me." I heard him sigh.

"And who gave you the privilege to talk to me like that?" I clenched the phone tighter in my hand, "Bye Chris." I pull the phone away from my ear when I hear him say something. "You've got to be joking right?" I hit the steering wheel.

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