1 | Just A Dream

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"I can't just leave them. I need to tell Ryan the truth, I can't just run away."

"Baby you told me you wanted to forget about them...you said we should run away together,"

"I love you, I never stopped loving you even when we were in high school...I was stupid and immature at the time and I should have stayed with you..."

My eyes shot open. I look around my surroundings to see the room pitch black. It was still dark out, and it was just a dream...thank God. I remove the duvet from my body, getting a gust of cold air hit me. I place my feet onto the cold wooden floor.

"It was just a dream. It was just a dream, Hazel." I rock back and forth as I try to soothe my mind. I look down at my hands to see them starting to shake, "Fuck." I mutter under my breath.

I quickly get up and walk over to the balcony, pushing open the glass doors I let the cold air freeze my body, allowing my mind to focus on something else, for my hands to stop shaking. "Smell the flowers."- I inhaled- "blow the candles." I exhaled.

It's been six months. I should be over it by now, Matthew is. Dad is, why can't I get over it. She treated us all like shit for half the time, even though we loved her so much. She is dead, she is long gone now and I need to get over the fact that she isn't coming back any time soon.

I go back inside, walking over to my nightside I pick up my phone to check the time. 4:00 am. I still have three hours left until school has to start.

Why don't we go for a run?

I change out of my pyjamas and throw on a pair of shorts and a shirt, I put my sneakers on and I take my phone and AirPods with me. Closing my room door behind me I get a fright when I see Mariah standing infront of me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Good morning." She greets me, "Morning." I say happily, knowing she is pissed at me for being awake at this time, "Where do you think you're going?" I walk past her, walking down the stairs, "For a run. If I'm not back in time can you let dad know I was gone?" She let out a sigh.

"Honey." We get to the bottom of the stairs when she grabs hold of my wrist, "I love you." I gave her a warm smile, "I love you too." I pulled my hoodie over my head, pushed in my AirPods and went out the door.

Mariah was like a second mother to me, always has been, I don't have a memory where Mariah was not in it. She started as a chef here but slowly became another caretaker to Matthew and me.

After moving to New York over the summer it has been nothing but a dream come true living here. We use to come visit every Christmas break but had to stop when my dad started to get too busy with work.

I don't miss Washigton, it reminds me of her. I'm glad dad suggested we moved, have a fresh start. No one here knows us, no one at school will know me. Just how I like it.

I remove one of my headphones as I come to a stop at Central Park. I walk over to the benches that looked over the entire park. I breathe in the fresh air, my body shivers.

I watch the streaks of warm colours fuse together, orange, yellow, red. I look around me to see another person sitting on another bench, looking out into the open, he is really cute.

I feel my phone vibrate in my hoodie pocket, pulling it out I see my dad's profile pop up, "Good morning," I greeted him happily, "Hazel. Where the hell are you?" I chuckled, "I'm at Central Park." I breathed out a gust of cold air.

"How many times must I tell you to let me know before you go for a run? Or anywhere for that matter?"

"You were asleep. I didn't want to wake you, plus I told Mariah to tell you where I was the minute you woke up." I heard him sigh.

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