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{Six Years Later}

God, it was fucking tiring when nobody could do their job right and I am having to always be doing everything myself. We are the top highest company as of right now, I can't even get a decent cup of fucking coffee without someone messing up my order.

"Anastasia, I won't be too long. Tell that guy...what was his name?" I stepped into the elevator, "Mr Smith." She gave me a small smile, "Please let him know that we must reschedule."

"But, Ms John-"

"If he so eager to have a meeting with me he can gladly make another booking on another day."

A day when someone can give me the right cup of coffee I ordered.

"He has. A few times now."

Jesus. Who is this man? "What is his first name?" I asked, looking down at my phone, "His name is R-" My phone starts to ring, "I'm outside Ms Johnson." Said Julian.

"Perfect, I'll be right out." I end the call. "Anastasia." I walk out of the elevator, "Yes, Ms Johnson?" She peered up from her iPad, "Whoever this guy is, please tell him my apologies and I will try to get back to him when I have the time." She nodded her head and typed a few things on her iPad.

"Anything else?" She looked at me with a smile, "Yes. Stop calling me Ms Johnson. It's Hazel." Her eyes lit up like a small puppy, "Yes...Hazel." I nodded in approval.

"Good. Make sure I have no meetings after three this afternoon, I have some other business to attend to." She nodded her head once more before I made my way out of the building and into my Rolls Royce Cullinan.

"Afternoon boss." Julian greeted me, "Sorry to keep you waiting," I opened my laptop, "No need for an apology." He locked the doors and reversed out of the parking lot.

On our way to Starbucks, I received multiple emails from other companies, asking for shares and business proposals I wasn't interested in.

Replying back, I receive a message on my phone.

Nothing here either. We don't know where else to look Hazel, the boys and I have searched the entire place and still nothing. I think u should come down here and have a look yourself. Here are a few pics tho if it helps with anything.

Three photos were linked to the message. Fuck. I really thought something would have been there.

I send a quick text back saying I'll come to Washigton tonight to come see myself and that they should stay there and get some rest.

"Boss, we're here." I look up from my phone to see Julian pulling up infront of Starbucks, "Thanks." I stuff my phone into my blazer pocket, "I'll only take a second." I jumped out of the car and made my way in.

The place wasn't packed and thank fucking god for that, because I was not in the mood to be waiting in line.

Thankfully, Starbucks wasn't very popular here in Canada since they had Tim Horton's, "Hey, Johnson, the usual?" Said Julie, "Yeah, Jules, and make it quick, I'm running late." I checked my watch, "Sure thing." I walked away from the cashier and stood in the waiting area.

I was scrolling Instagram when I went over to his profile. For the 100th time today. The little voice reminded me of my shame. I scrolled through photos that still mesmerized me.

Clearly, he has been all over the world, various pictures in different places with him and his friends out clubbing and a few pictures of his business, and...

Who was that?

I zoomed in on the picture, trying to get a better look at her. "Why does she look so familiar?" I muttered to myself. Trying to place my finger on where I have seen this girl from I hear the bell ring.

The bell above the shop chimed every time someone new walked in. I looked up to see a very handsome man that was dressed in casual clothing, He is extremely sexy. A maroon hoodie, jeans, and a pair of white Air Force's.

His eyes were hidden from me in the shades that he was wearing.

His sharp jawline looked like it would cut through glass, his arms defined underneath the hoodie, outlining each muscle.

He was looking down on his phone not paying any attention to Julie until she had to call his name, "Sir? It's your turn," Julie called after him, "Oh, sorry ma'am" Fuck me. That voice was incredibly sexy.

"Uh...give me a frappuccino, with extra caramel, to go." He gave Julie a small smile, "$10" Said Julie. He handed her the papered note, "Keep the change," He gave her a wink. He stepped away from the counter and stood a few feet away from me.

Should I approach him?

No. No, that's dumb, I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend.

"Jules, what's taking so long?" I called after her, "I'm coming Johnson, give me a minute!" I tapped my foot against the floor aggressively, "Uh...Roman Smith? Roman Smith? Your frappuccino is done." My head shot up.


It couldn't be him.

The same guy walked forward, removing his glasses, letting them sit on top of his head, "Thank you." He took his coffee and again, winked at Julie...and left.

I scanned his every movement, watching him stride across the coffee shop, phone in hand, coffee in the other and walking out. "Johnson, here you go." I heard Julie's voice.

I take my coffee, paying the amount and a tip for her, I thank Julie and make my way out.

I sat in my car, baffled by who I had just seen. Six years. It's been six fucking years since I saw the man that captured my heart, six years since I last saw that face, last kissed those lips.

It was him.


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