7 | Crush On You

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This morning was a fucking disaster! We ended up staying at the cabin for the whole weekend and only managed to get back at three in the morning because it started to rain heavily throughout the night and only stopped around three.

I didn't even have time to eat breakfast this morning so I quickly had to stop at Starbucks before my way to school. My car stopped working so I had to take Matthew's BMW convertible instead.

I park the car and start to run inside the building. Throwing my empty coffee cup in the bin I sign in at the registration desk and run up the stairs as fast as I could to make it in time for my next lesson.

I check my phone to see what lesson I had. Math! Fuck, kill me now. I wasn't bad at math but I wasn't a genius either and I met the teacher last week, Ms Micheal, and well...she isn't the kindest person, to be honest.

I take a look through the small window in the door to see he wasn't in class, releasing a breath I pull down the handle and walk inside.




Roman. Smith.

Maybe if I can leave now he won't see- never mind. He looked at me. He saw me. I lowered my head and took the only available seat that was right. Infront. Of. Him. I drop my bag to the floor, taking out my laptop and books, I place them on the desk.

I opened my laptop and in the reflection of the screen, I could see his eyes staring at me. I shut the laptop close, stuffing it back in my bag I cross my arms over the desk and calmly and patiently I waited for the teacher to arrive.

I can't stop shaking my legs, knowing he is staring at me!

"Good morning class. Sorry for being late." Thank God. But instead of Ms Micheal, it was another woman. "Hello everyone, my name is Ms Taylor, unfortunately, Ms Micheal is out sick so I will be your substitute teacher for today." She places her briefcase on the table and starts to take out piles of work.

"Ms Micheal has left me a few sets of worksheets that she will like you all to complete during this lesson, anything that hasn't been finished will then be taken home, also you are free to work in groups." I have to try and complete this during the lesson, I am not taking any work home.

Three sheets of work get passed around. Digging in my bag for a pen, the person next to me stands up, "Can you move your chair?" He had all his stuff gathered, "Uhm...sure." I scooched my chair forward so he could get out.

I watched him join a group of his friends as they all sat together, doing the work. Whatever I can get it done myself. I look down at the equations and continue to write my answers down, when a shadow casts upon me, "Hey." Wow. Looking at him from up above was just as gorgeous.

"You're the new girl, right?" He took a seat next to me, all I did was nod, I wasn't able to form words not even a sentence, "What's your name, Princess?" He leaned closer to me, getting the strong smell of cologne and his minty breath that wafted into my face.

"I...Uhm...H-Hazel." I shiver ran down my spine, my mind was fogged up I couldn't concentrate on what he was asking me, "That's a pretty name." His voice was low and husky, "Nice to meet you, Hazel. I'm Roman Smith." He leaned back, looking back down at his work.

I let go of the breath I was holding, That was intense. I thought to myself. The rest of the lesson went terrible, I had hoped when he introduced himself he would get up and leave but he never did! He stayed there for the entire lesson!

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