31 | I Missed Him

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"This is not fair! You are cheating! I know it!" JJ crossed his arms over his chest, "Listen..." I held my hands up defensively, "I can't stop myself from being a fucking champion! I said, "But you've only played it beer pong once?!" JJ said, trying to figure out how I kept on winning, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm going to go get a drink, anyone wants anything? Haze?" Peter asked, "Yeah please, can I get a Heineken?" He nodded his head and left, "I am not leaving until I get at least three wins in a row," JJ bounced the white ball on the table.

"Have at it Tucker," He kissed the ping pong ball getting ready to throw it. I don't know how many more games we had played, I started losing count after the third?- no, fourth?

Once I started feeling a bit tipsy I thought it would be best to stop,

"Wh-what took you so...long?" Peter hands me the green glass bottle, "Sorry, kind of got side-tracked," He ruffled his fingers through his hair.

I gasped, "You made out with someone!" He started blushing, "Who?" I flopped to one side, he caught me, resting me on the grass, "Who?" I whispered, thinking only he could hear me.

"You won't know her," He smiled at me sheepishly, "Wait..." I chugged the beer so fast I could feel it running through my body.

I went over to one of the benches and sat down, staring out into the open, watching everyone having a good time made me feel happy too, once I thought of Roman that changed.

"Do you know by any chance if Roman is coming?" I looked down to the ground, seeing Peter sprawled out, "Something must have come up, he might be here later," He took a sip of his drink.

I started feeling...sad, thinking of all the reasons why he hadn't shown up today, I thought since it was my birthday he would come for a bit but nothing.

I stood up from the bench needing the bathroom badly, "I-I...I'll be r-right back-hic-back" I heard Peter chuckle.

I slide the door back, a gust of heat hits me in the face, "Fuck!" I swipe my face, "It's humid in here," I leave the door open, making my way to the bathroom.

"Ah, shit," A long line of people stood outside the bathroom, "I am not waiting for this shit," I shoved past the people and made my way upstairs to my bathroom.

I locked the bathroom door behind me and did what I needed to do, "That feels so much better," I pull my jeans up, not bothering to zip it up since I wanted to change into some sweatpants.

As I walk out of the bathroom I noticed a shadow lurking, thinking tricks were playing with my mind, I waved my hand against the wall, trying to search for the light switch.

"Where is this damn ligh-" It turns on. My vision was blurry, "Roman!" Broad shoulders, muscles bulging out of the black t-shirt, sitting on my bed like a true....prince.

"Hello, Princess." What? Why had his voice gotten so high pitched all of a sudden? "Roman?" I stumbled onto the bed, feeling someone hold onto me, "Sorry babe." I looked up.

Who is this?

My mind was so fogged up, my vision still blurred, I tried making out his features but all that captured me was his nose and eyebrow piercing shone in the dim light, his jet black hair peeked those blue crystal eyes of his, "W-who are you?" I tried backing away but his grip around my arms tightened.

"No need to be afraid," He assured me, "I'm a good friend of Roman's," His face started getting closer to mine. Who is this? I know I've heard this voice be-

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