30 | My Birthday

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Wake up!

Wake up!

Wake up!

"Shut the fuck up!" I grab my phone from my nightstand and switch it off, facing it down I pulled the covers all the way up to my neck and turn the opposite way.


"What?!" I grabbed my phone again, without even looking at the caller ID I picked up, "Happy Birthday Bitch!" Ryan screamed on the other end of the line.

"Thanks..." I said, rubbing my eyes tiredly, "Were you already awake?" He asked excitedly, "Uh-huh." I yawned, "Liar," He scoffed, "Ryan it's Friday, I told you I'm not going to school today," I said, my voice raspy from sleep.

"I know dumbass, I'm outside, let me in, we have to start getting ready," What time was it? I removed the phone from my ear to only see it was.

2:30 pm!

It's not even close to six!

"The key is under the mat." Before I could wait for a reply I ended the call and laid my head back down. "And your best friend has entered the building!" I groaned out of frustration, "Go away!" I threw a pillow behind me, not sure where it might've landed.

Hoping it hit him right in the face.

"Hey! That almost hit me!" Dammit! "It's your birthday and this is how you behave?" I pull the duvet over my head, "Exactly! My birthday!" I muffled under the covers, "Hazel..." He slowed peeled it away from my face, revealing his crystal blue eyes, staring down at me.

"Please let me sleep! Dad said I can have this day off to enjoy myself!"

"Well, that's too bad then."


"No Haze, it's..." he looked at his watch, "2:40, I said to everyone to come at six. You slept the entire school day, let's go." He removed the entire duvet off me, making me shiver.

"I am not going to wait all day, get out of the fucking bed, brush your teeth and come down, now!" He shut the room door behind him.

Not the ideal way I wanted to spend my birthday morning.

"Fuck." I managed to get out of bed, walking slowly to the bathroom I look at myself, "Jesus," I yawn. I get out my hairbrush, brushing through the knots, I tie it in a messy bun.

I apply some toothpaste to my toothbrush and start brushing. I wipe my mouth and face clean, making my way downstairs.

"I hear here! Places everyone!" I heard whispers and hushed tones as I made my way down the steps. "Happy birthday!" Multiple confetti poppers spread their colours all over me.

"Surprise!" Dad, Matthew, Mariah, and Ryan, all standing infront of me. Dad held the word 'happy' and 'birthday' that were rosegold in both hands while Matthew held a 1 and 7 that was a deep red.

"Oh my God! Thank you guys so much!" I ran downstairs and embraced everyone in a tight hug, "Happy Birthday my Haze!" Mariah stroked my cheek, I gave her a warm smile, "Thanks,"

I turned to face dad and Matthew, "Dad, Matt? How are you guys here?" I asked.

"We were lucky enough to finish the work we needed to do early, so we could make it in time for you," My dad said with a smile, "And our business partner somehow knew it was your birthday and was kind enough to let us go," Matthew said.

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