46 | I Needed

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I lowered my head, taking a deep breath, "I won't do it. I won't join your fucked up crew Kai." I looked at him. Dead in the eye, "I'm done following your rules, I'm done living under your control." I said.

He watched me. His grey eyes are a darker shade than normal. He straightens his posture, stuffing the gun in his back pocket, both his hands joining together, repeatedly clapping.

"Beautiful speech, absolutely touching." He rubs his hands together, "You've got guts, Roman. Something I don't think I could ever do...especially when they are the mafia boss, the ruler of them all."

"I wish I had that kind of confidence to stand up to my father." He scratched the side of his jaw, rubbing his fingers over the light stubble.

"Stood up for my brother, protected him. Blocked him." He let out a long sigh, reaching for his back pocket.

"But. I guess everything can't go as I hoped, can it?" He pointed his pistol at me. "Kai, come on, you don't have-"

Pulling the trigger back, the bullet came flying in my direction hitting me right in the chest. I stumble back a bit.

He shoots me again, but in my leg.

I fall to the ground, my head clashing with the hard brick flooring. I blink rapidly, trying to gain caution.

"H-help..." my words felt barely like a whisper. I grunt, clutching at the by my chest, watching the blood imprint its mark on me

Kai stood above my lifeless body and waved the gun in my face. "Bye-bye."

Blackness caved in as I gasped for air.

This was it. This was me...dying.

My heart was pounding against my chest rapidly, sweat building on the side of my temples, numbness taking over my fingertips and toes.

My eyes were growing more and more heavy, wanting to close them, wanting to have a small sleep before I got up, needing to close my eyes.

As my body slowly drifts off, I hear a faint door open...or I think closing?

People swarmed around me and distant mumbles closed in on me, I felt someone cup the side of my jaw and whisper, "Don't leave me Rome...please," That was the last thing I remember before everything switched off.


I hear the sound of beeping machines next to me, rays of sunlight peeking through the white blinds.

Where am I?

I try to sit up but excruciating pain shoots up in my left chest, "Aw Fuck!, son of a bitch!" I whispered, I gave up and flopped back onto the pillow.

I realized I was in a hospital room, "Oh Roman, honey are you okay?" I see my mum scurrying in with Tia following behind her, "Mum? Yeah, I'm- I'm fine, how did you get here?"

I tried adjusting the pillow behind me,

"Nevermind that." She clicked her tongue, "How is my baby?" she slapped my hand away and started to help me with the pillow.

I chuckled, "Mum, I'm fine." I laid my head back, "Roman!" I see small little hands reaching up, "Mum, I think there is someone here...listen..." I put my finger on my mouth, "Roar!" Tia jumped up, "Ahhh! A monster!" She giggled.

My Mum picked her up and placed her on the hospital bed, Tia came up close to me, wrapping her tiny hands around my body and buried her head in the crook of my neck,

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