8 | I Would Like To Take You

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"Since I got English and it's closer to the science hall I'll come get you so we can make our way to business." Said Ryan.

"Sure, see you later Ry," Once lunch had finished Ryan and I said our goodbyes and went separate ways to our next class.

When I stepped out of the cafeteria somebody placed their hand on my shoulder, "Thanks a lot." I turned around to be face-to-face with that brat Emma. "I'm sorry?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"You should be. You stole my boyfriend!" She pointed in the opposite direction, right at Roman, "I don't know what you're talking about?" I turned back around to continue my way to my lesson when she grabbed hold of my shoulder again, digging her sharp nails into it.

"Stay. Away. From. Him." I lowered my head and snickered, "I said..." I jerked my shoulder away from her hold, "I don't fucking know what you're talking about." I took a step back, turned on my heel and walked away from her.

"Shit, she is psychotic." I run up the stairs and walk over to my biology class. "Ms Johnson, lovely for you to join us." The teacher greeted me, "I was only three minutes late." I mumbled, "What was that?" I let out a short sigh, "Nothing." I walked over to my seat and sat down.

"Now that every-" before the teacher could continue someone else barges through the door, "Sorry I'm late." Him?! He isn't in this class? What is he doing here?

"Wonderful. Go and take a seat next to Ms Johnson." For fuck sake. This can't get any worse. He walked over to my desk, "Hey, Princess." He took a seat next to me, "You're not in this class." I kept facing the front. But I could feel his eyes on me.

"I heard the teacher goes easy on the students so I thought of swapping," He leaned closer to me, "I see," I whispered back.

Talk to me again, I wanna talk to- No, no, no! He is just a distraction, I can't have those right now I have other things to worry about.

"So, the school is having this charity event down at the beach tomorrow night." A party on a school night? What is wrong with this school? "That's interesting." I looked down at my notebook and started to write some notes, "It is, and I would like to take you." My head shot up, darting my eyes to him.

"What?!" I whisper shouted, "I want to take you." He repeated himself, "I heard you the first time." I rolled my eyes, "So then why did you say "what?" if you heard me?" He is really testing my patience now, "Leave me alone." I watched him lean back in his chair.

I let out an uneasy breath. I do want to go with you. I really really want to go with you. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath I turned to him, "I'd love to go I just...I got a lot of work to do." I showed him a small smile and focused back on my work.

He opened his mouth and then closed it back again, "I-" Before he could finish his sentence the teacher started to speak, "Okay everyone. I'm going to hand out a list of things you will need for the next lesson." I was about to ask him what he was going to say but he started to pack all his stuff up.

"Hey where-" He zips his bag, stuffs his hands into his pockets and walks out of the door. Shit, I didn't mean to make him so upset.


"What the fuck am I supposed to do huh? I did want to go with him I just..." After school Ryan and I went over to my house. I had told him the entire scene that happened in biology, "Why are you lying to him anyway?" I flopped onto my bed, "I don't know." I swiped my hand over my face.

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