44 | Escapade

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We all pull up to the warehouse and jump out of our cars. I suck in a deep breath, praying to fucking God that she is here.

We push open the two heavy metal sliding doors.

Oh my God.

Hazel sits on a chair all tied up, I rush to her but under her chair, there is a giant 'x' mark on it, she muffled something under the duck tape that was plastered over her mouth, before I could peel it away I see someone coming down the stairs behind her.

My eyes quickly dart up, Kai comes down the steps slowly as a fucking sloth, making me want to rip his head off even more, "Why? What does she have to do with me?!" I shouted at him from across the warehouse as he continued to walk down the steps at his own pace.

"Now that I have you all here, I have a proposition for you..." He came behind Hazel and leaned both his hands and the back of the chair,

"If you wish to keep your girlfriend alive"- he caressed the side of her face, making Hazel flinch back, and making my fiat's curl into tight balls.

-"you need to do something for me." We all looked at each other and waited for Kai to continue, "I need you guys to smuggle some drugs for me."

We looked at each other with shocked expressions, "No fucking way are doing that!" Shouted Peter, "Okay then, I'll just kill her in front of you all." He quickly pulled out a gun from his back pocket and pointed it at Hazel's head.

Tears and sobs poured down her face, "Okay, okay! Fine, we'll do it, just don't hurt her!" I pleaded, "Great. It's settled then, there is a truck out back, put the uniform on and drive to the location."

He turned on his heel and proceeded to walk back when he stopped, "Oh and one more thing, fucking touch her...and she explodes." He pointed down at the mark under her chair with his gun.

My eyes widened.

There was a fucking bomb under her!

I looked at her with pleading eyes, I slowly walked up to her, brushing the few curly stands away from her face, "I'm gonna get you out of Princess, wait for me." I kissed her on the forehead and we all left.

We see the truck, Maintenance Co. Was plastered on the side of the truck in charcoal grey, the rest of the truck was a pale blue colour. We opened the back door to the truck to see the uniforms Kai was talking about, folded in a neat pile.

The uniform was the same colour as the van, a pale blue jumpsuit with red writing in the top right-hand corner. Zipping the jumpsuit up, and putting the baseball cap on that came with it, we all jumped in and drove to our destination.


{Earlier That Day}

After Roman and our little escapade in the janitors closet, we now had Maths. Trying my hardest to walk up the stairs but still having a weird feeling down in my area.

When I was halfway up I turned around to see Roman walking out of the closet, adjusting his shirt and hair.

I giggled.

I got to Math and took my seat, I saw JJ there but he looked asleep? I didn't want to bother him because he didn't look in the mood.

The teacher wasn't here yet so I thought I would go to the bathroom before she came, "Haze where are you going?" JJ lifted his head, I turned around to face him but was shocked when I looked at him, "JJ!" I gasped, "What happened to your face?" I walked up to him, "Oh, n-nothing I'm fine." He quickly pulled away before I could examine his face.

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