34 | Ordinary People

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After the extremely long call Roman and I had last night and me spilling the news to him on coming to dinner tomorrow, I now had to spill the news to my father.

I wasn't expecting Roman to say yes since he and my father aren't on good terms even though they haven't even had a decent conversation together.


that doesn't matter, he is my boyfriend-

Boyfriend. Boy...friend. It sounds funny to say now that it's true.

My boyfriend and father need to get along.

They have to.

I stood outside my dad's study, debating on whether I should go in or tell him later. Hazel just fucking go in there, say what you need to say, trying to convince myself was just stressing me out even more.

Just fucking do it already.

Without any more hesitation, I curled my hand into a fist and knocked on the door a couple of times, "Hey dad," I stepped into his study, "Hey." He looked up from his laptop, "I just wanted to let you know that I've invited Roman over for dinner tomorrow night," I walked up to his desk.

"Okay that's great, it'll be nice to have your friends over for dinner," He said with a smile and looked back down, "No. I mean just Roman." I fiddled with the sleeves of my black hoodie, "Oh, okay that's fine honey," He looked back down to his laptop, "You're okay with just him coming over?" I screwed my face.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Okay, but what was going on with him? What is this attitude? "Because..." I trailed off, taking a seat on one leather couch that sat in front of the fire, "Because, what?" He got up and poured himself a glass of whiskey, I ignored eye contact with him.

Shit! What do I say now?

"Heaskedmetobehisgirlfriend." I mumbled. "Hmm?" He took a sip.

I sighed deeply, it's now or never, "He asked me to be his girlfriend."

He choked, "What?", I don't think I should have said anything in the first place.

In between coughs, he said, "Hazel...when did this...happen?" I looked up to him, "My birthday party." He walked over to me, sitting in the chair opposite to me. He swirled the golden liquid in the glass, admiring the bubbles that rose to the top.

I sat patiently waiting for him to speak.

He sighed, "Are you sure he is the...one?" I studied his face for a moment, thinking this was a trick, there was no anger or yelling, no cursing, he asked me in a calm voice.

This is very scary.

"I think, I would hope so," I said biting on the inside of my cheek, "Well, he didn't seem very keen on you at the fair," He pointed out. "Yeah, that's because he-" I paused before I could finish my sentence, "It doesn't matter." I fiddled with my thumbs, "Haze, I want you to be able to tell me things instead of hiding them from me." He sighed,

"When we went to the fair, that guy behind the booth said he recognizes you, it wasn't from school, was it?" I lowered my head, ashamed about lying.

"Or the time when you scoffed at my comment about Roman, immediately changing the topic once the food came?" I would be really stupid if I said I was doing it unintentionally.

I looked into the fire, watching it dance amongst the wood. the sweet smell of the firewood brought back the memories of us all going down to our cottage far-out from the city, deep in the woods, during the fall time, just the four of us.

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