43 | Please Rome

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{One Week Later}

During our last week, Roman and I had cherished every moment that we spent together as we could. It was mainly him coming over to my place or it was me going over to his.

I was in the process of getting dressed for school when my phone chimed in a message.


Anonymous: Good morning Hazel.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, my insides churning from reading the message over and over.

Who was this? How did they know my name? How did they get my number? Multiple thoughts were running through my mind, possible reasons for this.

when another message popped up on my screen but instead, it was from Roman.


Roman: Morning Princess

Me: Morning:)

Roman: I'm omw to come pick u up

Me: Don't worry abt it. I'll meet you there

Roman: Be there in 15<3

Shit. I need to pull myself together because when Roman means 15 he actually means he'll be here in a couple of seconds.

Pacing around my room, back and forth, back and forth, debating whether I should text this person back or ignore it,

But this isn't the first time this has happened.

What if it's the same person?




I was in the middle of replying to the stranger's message when my doorbell rings.

Oh, God! That's definitely him!

I quickly sent them a text and stuffed my phone into one of the pockets in my bag.

I hear the door opening and Mariah greeting him in, "Ah Roman, Hazel is just upstairs changing, you can go, she must be finished."

Shit! Shit!

Roman thanked Mariah and I could already hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to me.

Walking from one end of the room to the other I try to find some way of hiding from him.

Pretty pathetic of me but, right now all I could think about was that message and the only reason why I'm pacing like a mad woman is because they now know more about me!

And the expression on my face is still there! Roman will immediately suspect something is going on and demand an answer.

What more do they know about me?

I finally gave up on the idea of hiding from him because there was no use anyways.

I hear a faint knock at the door and it opened slightly, "Princess?" I was standing by my desk awkwardly...but that quickly washes away when I see him holding a single tulip flower in his hand.

What is this man doing to me!

"H-hi, I told you not to come?" I stuttered, I was trying my best not to act suspicious but he knew something was wrong.

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