Chapter 15

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Oliver helped John down the stairs, as I limped behind them. I helped Oliver lay John down on a table. We mixed some of the herbs, from the island, with some water. Oliver lifted John's head, giving him the mixture to drink. My head started to pound from the poison, I leaned on a table. John consciousness giving out soon after, he finished drinking some of the mixture. Oliver handed me the rest of the mixture, and I drank what was left. My headache subsided. The effects of the poison not as bad as before. Presumably because it had less time to coarse through my veins.

I sat down, pressing gauze to my leg. Pain shot through my leg causing me to wince. Oliver placed a thread and needle next to me, and pulled up a chair. He moved my hand holding the gauze, and poured some disinfectant over my wound. I flinched from the burning feeling it caused.

"Sorry." Oliver mumbled, his mind still lost in thought.

After all this could only end in three ways. John could be completely fine and not rat us out and possibly even join us, or John could tell the police and we'd get arrested, or we put an arrow in John. I was leaning more towards not going to jail. I also really didn't want to put an arrow in John. I've only met the guy a few times, but he seems really interesting. We'd probably be good friends if he makes the right decision. At the moment I have bigger things to worry about, Oliver's probably trying to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and most likely is thinking of all the ways things could go wrong.

"Ollie, we made the right decision." I said, trying to comfort him.

"What if he tells someone?" Oliver asked.

"Then we'll deal with it, we've been through worse." I said.

"You're right, ready?" Oliver said, gesturing with the needle to my wound.

"Do your worse." I smirked.


After Oliver finished my leg, we sat with our hoods down and grease paint off. Our minds raced about what was about to happen. My thoughts were broken as John started to stir. Oliver and I both stood as John sat up. John's eyes looked around before locking in on Oliver and I.

"Hey." Oliver broke the silence.

"Oliver? (Y/n)?" John said, looking at Oliver, then at me. "You're those vigilantes."

John took a swing at Oliver. Due to John's weakness from blood loss and the poison, Oliver easily dodged him.

"Easy, John. You were poisoned." I said.

"Son of a bitch." John fumed, lunging at Oliver.

Oliver twisted John around, stopping John from hitting him, then let go of John.

"We could have taken you anywhere, We could have taken you home. We brought you here." Oliver said.

"You really did lose your minds on that island." John sighed.

"Found a couple things along the way." Oliver responded.

"Like what, archery classes?" John snapped.

"Clarity." Oliver corrected. "Starling City is dying. It is being poisoned by a criminal elite, who don't care who they hurt. As long as they maintain their wealth and power."

"What are you going to do? Take them all down by yourselves?" John asked.

"No, we want you to join us." Oliver said.

"Special forces out of Kandahar. It's perfect." I continued.

"You're a fellow soldier." Oliver added.

"You're not soldiers." John paused. "You're criminals and murderers."

John left not wanting to hear anymore, and we allowed him to leave. What he did with this information was up to him.


I silently walked through the door, hoping not to wake anyone. As I was about to enter my room, I was cut off by Tommy.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Mrs.Queen called saying you were at the auction that got shot up tonight, and that she didn't know where you or Oliver were. Or if you guys were even okay."

"I'm fine, Tommy." I smiled, trying to reassure him.

"Why were you even there? Dad wasn't one of the Unidac bidders." Tommy pressed, still concerned.

"Oliver invited me." I said, trying to fight the redness spreading on my cheeks.

"Then, why were you gone for so long?" Tommy questioned.

"I-" I paused, not sure on what to say. "It reminded me of something that happened on the island, and I wanted to talk to Ollie about it."

Tommy's face softened.

"You know you can talk to me about stuff like that. If it happens again. I'm here for you." Tommy said.

"Yeah, I know." I responded, and opened my door.

"(Y/n)?" Tommy cautioned.

"Yeah." I said, bringing my attention back to Tommy.

"We haven't really had a sibling bonding day in awhile. Maybe we could do something together, tomorrow?" Tommy asked.

"I have plans." I said, knowing Oliver would probably need me tomorrow.

"Oh." Tommy's face dropped, as he turned to walk away.

"That are easily changeable." I added, Oliver can live a day or two without me.

Tommy turned back to me, a grin spreading across his face. I smiled back.

"Goodnight, Tommy. See you tomorrow." I smiled, entering my room.

I let out a soft sigh, once the door closed. Oliver could survive without my help for a while. I shot Oliver a text, then turned my phone off for the night. With my body begging me to sleep, so I did.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Happy Christmas Eve! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy holidays. I plan on posting again tomorrow, but don't get mad if I don't. You guys will definitely get another chapter by the end of this weekend. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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