Chapter 21

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Over the past few weeks, Fyers offered me a deal. I help him find the man in the hold, we get revenge, and then I get to go home. I took it, wanting to make the man suffer as much as he made Oliver suffer. However, I had no training. I probably would be in the way. Fyers unstructured one of his men to train me. In the past weeks, I've been getting stronger. Fyers trusts me fully. My thoughts we're broken by the screams of someone. It sounded to be a man, early twenties. The one thing I didn't agree on was how Fyers got his information. Who was I to complain? He offered me food, and shelter. I didn't have the right or the leeway to speak up against it. I'll get away from it soon. I'm gonna go home, and see my family. I don't know how long I've been gone, but it's been too long. I want to see my brother, and my dad.


Oliver and I followed Laurel into the room with Detective Lance and the prosecuting attorney. Taking our seats at the table, the prosecuting attorney started.

"Thank you all for coming." She said.

"No, thank you. It's nice to get out of the house." I smiled.

"I'll cut right to it." She continued. "Detective Lance arrested your clients without consulting my office first. So, congratulations. I am willing to consider a plea in this case."

"Absolutely not." Oliver cut in.

"Mr.Queen and Miss.Merlyn spent five years in seclusion, on a deserted island, cut off from civilization. It is quite possible that they are suffering from some form of post traumatic stress. Given that, we would support a plea of insanity. Conditional on a period of indeterminate incarceration at a psychiatric facility."

"No, thank you. We're not crazy." Oliver said.

"Finally something we agree on." Detective Lance quipped. "They're not a nut, they're a killing machine."

"Actually, we're neither." I countered.

"There is nothing you can say to me that I would believe." Detective Lance scowled.

"We'll take a polygraph." Oliver said.

"Polygraphs are inadmissible." Laurel broke her silence.

"Not in front of the jury." I added. "We'll take a polygraph in front of him. He's the one we need to convince."

I directed my words towards Mr.Lance. Three can play his game, and Oliver and I were ready for anything he threw at us. Laurel looked at us, and then looked back at the prosecuting attorney.

"I'm gonna need a minute." She said.

The prosecuting attorney and detective Lance exited the room.

"You two are looking at life in prison. What Spencer just offered is a gift."

So, that's the prosecuting attorney's name.
"We aren't crazy. We're innocent." I said.

"Plus, I kinda wanna take the polygraph. And if we take it and we fail, then we will consider making a deal." Oliver continued off of me.

"Fine. I'll set up the poly. And I will tell Spencer that we're not pleading out, but you two have family. Friends, people who actually care about you two. So don't, for one second, think you're the only people with something to lose here." Laurel paused, sighing. "I'll be right back."


I was hooked up to the polygraph. Laurel was sitting next to me and detective Lance was across from me. There was another man in the room, but I wasn't quite sure who he was. Oliver was outside waiting for his polygraph.

"The next few questions are to calibrate the polygraph. Is your name (Y/n) Merlyn?" Detective Lance asked.


"Were you born in Starling City?"


"Is your hair blue?"


"Have you ever been to Iron Heights prison?"

Here we go, the important questions. One mess up and Oliver and I are done.

"Yes, for a school field trip."

"Are you the woman in this picture?" Detective Lance held up the sketch of the female vigilante.


Detective Lance glanced over to the other man, who I now realize was here to read the polygraph. The man gave him a slight nod signaling I was telling the truth.

"Did you steal 40 million dollars off Adam Hunt?"

"No, I didn't."

"Were you marooned on an island called Lian Yu for five years?"


"How is that even relevant?" Laurel cut in.

"I don't need to show relevance, but since you asked, whatever happened to your clients on that island turned them into cold blooded killers. The physician that examined you reported that 35% of your body is covered in scar tissue."

My face dropped, as memories flooded my mind. What was the detective getting at? Whatever it was I wasn't gonna like it. Laurel noticed the sudden change in my face.

"The machine won't work unless you ask a question." She said.

"Did that happen to you there?" The detective asked.


"When you came back, you told everyone that you and Oliver were the only ones on that island. Are you claiming the scars are self-inflicted, or did Oliver do it to you?"

"No. It wasn't just us. We didn't want to talk about what happened to us on the island."

"Why not?"

"Because the people who were there tortured us."

"Have you killed anyone?"

I paused, I couldn't lie on this one. I'd surely be discovered. There was one person that I killed. That haunts me everyday. I carry her death with me, the guilt eats away at me.

"Yes. When I asked your daughter, Sara, to come on the yacht with Oliver and I." My eyes started to fill with tears. "I killed your daughter."

I ripped the polygraph stuff of my hands and body, and rushed out of the room. Tears spilled from my eyes as I left. When I entered the hallway, the Queens and Oliver were standing there. Oliver locked eyes with me, his face soft asking what was wrong. I sent a slight nod to everyone acknowledging them, and then I left not wanting to spill my guts to everyone.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. I did it again, I forgot to post. I'm sorry. I've been slammed with school work, and a lot of my teachers have covid. So that's fun. Anyway I hope you guys week was better than mine. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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