Chapter 54

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Oliver had given me the morning off, thanks to the club opening tonight. I didn't do much, besides watch some TV and stare at my phone. I knew it would take some time before Tommy would forgive me. Boredom plagued me, so I left heading to the club. I opened the door slightly before seeing Tommy and Oliver talking. Neither of them noticed me. I hid in the door frame, curiosity winning the better of me.

"I'm sorry, alright. But we kept this a secret to protect the people that are closest to us." Oliver's voice was full of sorrow.

"Do you think that's what I care about? What, that my feelings are hurt? You're a murderer. A killer. And not to mention you seduced my sister into following your lead. She's so head over heels for you she doesn't even realize what she's done. You were my best friend in life but now it's like I don't even know you." Tommy said, as his voice shaked with anger.

"You're right. I've changed, and so has (Y/n). You have the wrong idea, though, (Y/n) joined out of her own accord. I never pressured her in." There was a pause, as Oliver waited for an answer that never came. "Listen, buddy, now we can explain to you. We can explain to you how and why-"

"What would be the point?" Tommy cut him off. "I wouldn't believe a word of it anyway."

I heard footsteps signaling Tommy leaving. I entered the room seeing Oliver staring into space, a blank expression on his face. As I stepped closer he noticed my presence. He looked at me knowingly. I pulled one of his hands in mine.

"He'll come around. Hopefully." I mumbled the last part.

A few hours went by and the club was fully up and running. Music was playing. People were dancing. Oliver and I stood with his mom and Thea.

"To Verdant. I know I haven't always been supportive of this venture but I have to admit this nightclub is quite an accomplishment. I'm proud of you. Your father would be too." Mrs.Queen said to Oliver as we clanked our glasses together.

"Thank you." Oliver smiled, then looked at me. "Though I couldn't have done it without (Y/n)."

Oliver and I separated away after a few minutes. We were soon, interrupted by a waiter. Who handed Oliver a note saying it was urgent. I looked over Oliver's shoulder to read it. 'Meet me downstairs. Now.-Dig.' We moved downstairs quickly.

"Dig?" I called.

Our quick strides paused as we saw Tommy pinned against a desk, by a familiar face. Oliver's face showed no signs of surprise. He knew she was back and didn't say anything.

"Let him go. He has nothing to do with this." I said, stepping forward.

"I told you. Oliver, I warned you." She ignored me looking straight at Oliver.

"Helena, this isn't you." Oliver's voice was stern.

"My father is a mobster and a murderer. It is not like you haven't killed men like that before."

"And I tried to teach you to obtain your objective without killing."

"By applying leverage. By exploiting someone's weakness." Helena twisted Tommy's arm causing him to scream. "There is a whole club full of leverage above our heads right now. Please. Oliver, don't make me do something that both of us will regret."

"Okay. Okay, you win." Oliver talked quickly. "I'll help you. Let him go."

I was standing behind Oliver, as I quickly grabbed a gun laying on a table. She wasn't getting off easy in my book. She threatened my brother, and she'd be lucky to get off without a bullet in her head.

"Control your dog." She hissed, seeing me.

Oliver turned looking at me, but I didn't budge. Did she really just call me a dog? I stepped forward, but Oliver stepped in front of me.

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