Chapter 4

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The storm around raged on as we sat in the lifeboat. Mr.Queen and Oliver huddled together. I sat on the other side trying to gain as much heat as possible. Due to my lack of clothes, as soon as I gained some heat the wind would blow it away. The man on the lifeboat with us set up a light, so we could see as the darkness grew darker. Mr.Queen handed Oliver the final bottle of water.

"Here, son. Drink." He shouted over the sound of the storm.

Oliver took the bottle hesitantly and drank from it.

"What the hell are you doing? That's all we've got." The man yelled.

"If anybody's making it out of here, it's gonna be him." Mr.Queen countered.

Oliver glanced at me. I must've looked scared out of my mind, because his face softened and he handed me the water. I only took a small sip before handing it back. My body shaking from the cold. Mr.Queen looked at me as though I was an abused puppy. Oliver glanced at me, his gaze full of guilt. A small shred of hope still lingered in the back of my mind, if only I knew all of what would happen next.

"I'm so sorry. I thought I'd have more time." Mr.Queen said, as Oliver looked at him. "I'm not the man you think I am. I didn't build our city. I failed it. And I wasn't the only one."


The rest of the car ride was silent. When the car stopped at the Queen's mansion, I got out and walked to the door. Slightly pausing before knocking on the door. Walter opens the door, and nods his head in recognition.

"He's in the living room." Walter said.

"Thanks." I smiled heading for the room.

As I rounded the corner I caught on to the conversation. My eyes locked with Mr.Lance's, a wave of guilt hitting me. Walter walked past me and sat next to Mrs.Queen, and leaned my weight on the door frame.

"So that's your story, a guy in a green hood flew in, and single-handedly took out three armed kidnappers." Mr.Lance said. "I mean, who is he? Why, would he do that?"

"I don't know. Find him and you can ask." Oliver smirked.

"Yeah. What about you?" Mr.Lance asked, directing the question to my brother. "You see the hood guy?"

Oliver noticed my presence, and gave a small smile to say hello.

"I saw... Just movement." Tommy said. "Everything blurry. I was kind of out of it."

I shifted my weight a little bit. The sound of my movement drawing the attention of Tommy, and Mr.Lance.

"Yeah. It's funny, isn't it? One day back and already somebody's gunning for you. Aren't you popular?" Mr.Lance satirized.

Mrs.Queen shifted unhappily.

"Were you able to identify the men?" She asked clearly not having it.

"Scrubbed identities, untraceable weapons. These were pros." Mr.Lance's partner stepped in.

"Yeah. Well, they probably figured you'd pay a king's ransom to get your boy back or a Queen's ransom as it were." Mr.Lance scoffed. "After all, a parent would do anything to keep their child safe."

Mr.Lance sent an accusing glare at Oliver.

"I don't find your tone appropriate, detective." Mrs.Queen said.

"If Oliver can think of anything else, we'll be in touch." Walter added. "Thank you, gentlemen, for coming."

Mr.Lance scoffed, picking up his stuff. As he stood so did Oliver, both of them locked eyes.

"Your luck never seems to run out, does it?" Mr.Lance said.

With that Mr.Lance and his partner headed for the door. Mr.Lance sent me a sorrowful look as he left. It seemed as though he was only angry at Oliver, and held nothing against me.

Mrs.Queen and Walter left the room leaving Tommy, Oliver, and I alone.

"Cheery as ever." I scoffed.

Getting a small chuckle from Oliver and a smile from Tommy as he shook his head.

"I'm gonna get going." Tommy said.

"I'm going to stay, I'll be home in a little bit." I smiled.

"See later, (Y/n)." Tommy said as he left.

Seeing as it was just the two of us, I walked closer to Oliver.

"You weren't kidding, were you?" I inquired.

"About what?" He asked.

"On the island, you said something about writing your father's wrongs and that you wanted my help. You seriously want to go through with it?" I questioned, ignoring all personal space and moving close enough that our bodies touched. He leaned his head close to my neck and seemed as though he wanted to do more but restrained himself.

"I do, and I still want your help." He said, his breath warming my neck.

The warmth faded as he moved his head back to it's normal position. His ocean blue eyes searched mine for the answer. I move my face gradually closer to his, our lips almost touching. He inhaled as he waited for what came next. I pressed my lips to his, to create a short kiss.

"How's that for an answer?" I smiled as our lips parted.

"A little unclear." He said, a grin appearing on his face.

I pulled his lips back to mine, and we stayed there for a while.

"How about now?" I asked, smiling.

"Perfectly clear." He said, looking down at me.

I would never let him do this alone. He was lighting a spark, and I was going to help him turn it into a flame. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Thank you guys so much for a 100 reads! It means so much to me. Anyway here's an early chapter for you all as a thank you.~~

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