Chapter 27

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The past few days have been slow. I've ignored all of Oliver's and Diggle's calls. There hasn't been much to keep my mind off of what Oliver told me. My dad has helped a lot, he's been teaching how to fence. Well, more like brushing up my skills. I used to play before the island and with what happened on the island, I could beat him easily. I held back anyway, it helped distract my mind. I heard rushed footsteps coming up to dad and I, as we spared.

"Can I talk to you?" Tommy's voice broke the silence.

I started to slow but dad kept on fencing. Automatically I blocked his blows. Ever since I got back there's seemed to be a distance between dad and Tommy. For a while I think they were trying to hide it, or maybe I just wasn't home enough to notice.

"Dad!" Tommy stressed.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little occupied at the moment." Dad responded.

"I just talked to the accountant. He said my accounts were frozen. He said my credit cards were all canceled."

I stopped causing dad to get a hit on me.

"I pay Sandy a king's ransom each year in fees, Tommy. When it comes to money if he says it's so, it's so."

"Do you think this is a joke?"

Dad quickly turned to Tommy removing his face guard.

"No. You are. Although I must say, your chronic irresponsibility and terminal laziness has lost its humor. You're wondering why now. The better question is, why not sooner?"

"It's my trust fund."

"Which is comprised of my money. Oh, excuse me. Was comprised."

I removed my protective helmet, sending a quick glance at dad. Then looking at Tommy. Tommy walked away as dad got ready to start fighting again. I shook my head.

"I'm gonna take a break, I'll send someone out to continue with you."

Dad nodded in acknowledgement. I quickly followed after Tommy.

"I'll talk to him." I said coming up behind Tommy.

"Don't bother. I want to prove him wrong, show him I don't need him."

"Tommy." Tommy stopped and turned towards me. "What happened between the two of you?"

Tommy's anger faded, as his face softened.

"After we thought you were gone. He grew distant, every time I tried to talk to him he always wanted to start something. It just continued to grow worse after that."

I nodded my head.

"If you ever need anything just ask." I smiled, even though it probably looked fake.

"And if you ever need to talk I'm all ears." Tommy said, noticing my smile.

He pulled me in for a hug and I returned it.


It's been a few days since dad cut Tommy off. Diggle and Oliver stopped calling. I haven't spoken much with dad. I was starting to get lonely and restless. Even with all its downsides, I enjoyed being out in the hood. It gave me a sense of purpose. Made me feel as though I wasn't just some billionaire's daughter. My phone buzzed with a text from Diggle.

I don't know why you aren't responding or showing up, and I promised Oliver I wouldn't contact you. He's in trouble, and I don't know how to help him. Please, meet me outside the base in 10. If you don't show I'll take it as a sign to stop texting and calling.

Oliver needed my help. As much as I hated him right now, I would never forgive myself if something happened and he got hurt. He broke my trust in him and if he will ever get it back, I don't know. I owe this much to Diggle with how much he's helped since he started. I grabbed my jacket and keys to my motorcycle and headed for the base.


I hopped off my bike heading straight for Diggle. He seemed shocked as though he thought I wasn't going to show. I sent him a glance saying getting straight to business.

"Our target is Frank Bertinelli, but we ran into trouble. More like Oliver ran into trouble." Diggle caught me up.

"What kind of trouble?" I asked.

"Helena Bertinelli weaseled her way into Oliver's heart."

His words caught me off guard. It's only been a few days since our fight and he would move on this quickly.

"She knows?" I broke my thoughts.

Diggle nodded.

"He's in there?" I questioned heading for the base door.

"Yes." Diggle followed behind me.

Over the past few days I've watched enough news to know who the Bertinellis are, and that they're being targeted. I pushed open the door. The sound of Oliver's voice flooded my ears, it was soon accompanied by a female voice. She's in the base, he let her know everything. Why would he trust her? I reached the end of the steps, looking around to find Oliver. My eyes landed on Oliver and Helena. Oliver's eyes filled with an emotion I can't describe. I didn't know if it was regret, sorrow, or relief. I heard Diggle's footsteps behind me.

"Diggle, (Y/n)," Oliver's voice stayed steady, but something in his eyes faltered at my name. "This is Helena. Diggle is my associate, and (Y/n) is..."

Oliver stopped noticing the glare I sent him. He may have been comfortable telling her his secrets, but I wasn't.

"Just someone who knows." I said, not able to hide my annoyance all the way.

"Well, any associates of Oliver's-" Helena started.

"Is absolutely nothing to you, ma'am." Diggle cut in.

"I'll leave you to associate." Helena said, leaving.

"She knows my name, that's lovely." Diggle's voice was laced with sarcasm.

"You can trust her." Oliver said.

"Except I don't." Diggle sighed.

"You're sleeping with her." I said, locking eyes with Oliver.

"That's none of your business."

"You're right it isn't. Forgive me for caring about some idiot who I was shipwrecked with for 5 years. Regardless of what you did, I still care for you. You are family to me. If you can't see that then I'm done caring." My voice wavered with hurt and anger. "I never should've come. Next time if you're gonna call me you better make sure he's dying."

I rushed out the door, my mind a whirlwind. I was done with all of this, but still I found myself incredibly sad instead of angry. Tears ran down my cheeks as I rode my bike to my destination. My bike rolled to a stop as I stopped at a look out. The lights of the city glowing, calming me down slightly. I don't know how long I was there, but it took me awhile to finally lay my mind into a somewhat rest. 

~~Hi Fallen_Angel here. Lately you guys have been amazing with reading, voting and commenting, so here's an early chapter for you guys. Have a good day, be good people.~~

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