Chapter 17

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In the day I was gone with Tommy, Oliver decided to go after Jason Brodeur. Who put a Peter Declan behind bars, in the false pretenses that he killed his wife. The Peter Declan was given the death penalty. In less than 24 hours he was going to go to sleep and never wake up. The thing is he's innocent, and we were going to save him. Out of all the people to ask for help, Oliver asked Laurel. Oliver was about to head out and give Laurel the information he gathered, when I made my return.

"I was gone for a day, and you decided to rope Laurel into this mess." I sighed.

"She's the best in her field and you know it." Oliver countered. "Now are you coming with me or not?"

"I guess."

I grabbed my suit, and smeared some grease paint on my face. Oliver did the same.


We cut the power to CNRI, making sure Laurel was the only one there. I dropped the file Oliver made on Laurel's desk.

"Compliments of Matt Istook." Oliver said.

"What's in here?" Laurel asked, looking over to me.

"Leverage on Jason Brodeur." Oliver answered, as Laurel scanned the pages.

"Enough to help save Peter Declan's life." I added.

"As an attorney, I never would have gotten a file like this. I always thought the law was sacred, it fixed everything." Laurel said.

"And now Laurel? Now what do you think?" I asked.

"I think there's to many people in this city who only care about themselves. People who are selfish. I think they need someone who cares about the lives of other people. Someone like the two of you." Laurel said.

With Laurel's conclusion, we left.


Laurel soon made contact with Oliver and I. Something went wrong, and she needed our help. We made our way to where Laurel was. We met her on the roof. She explained everything.

"We're not done yet." Oliver said.

"I'm an attorney. Trust me. We're done." Laurel sighed.

"What do you need to free Peter Declan?" I asked.

"At this point nothing short of a signed confession from Brodeur." Laurel said.

Oliver glanced at me. I nodded knowing exactly what he was going to do. We started to leave.

"Where are you going?" Laurel questioned.

"To get a confession." Oliver said.


"Jason Brodeur." Oliver growled, as he pointed an arrow at Brodeur.

"What do you want?" Brodeur asked.

"You're going to confess that you arranged to have Peter Declan's wife murdered." I hissed.

"What, so I can take his place in prison?" Brodeur said.

"So you can avoid the death penalty." Oliver countered.

"Except if I'm dead. Well, then, you've got no one to pin Camille's murder on. You need me to exonerate Peter Declan. Maybe you could try to force me to sign a confession or something." Brodeur taunted.

Oliver directed his arrow to Brodeur's hand, and released it. Brodeur screamed in pain.

"That might be difficult." I smirked.

Brodeur's phone started to ring. I walked forward, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Just answer it." I growled.

Accepting the call and putting it on speaker.

"What?" Brodeur said, trying to hide the pain in his voice.

"It's Ankov. It's going down, one hour." The man on the other end said.

I hung up.

"What's going down in an hour?" Oliver asked, to no avail.

"What?" I yelled.

"Let's just say, Peter Declan's execution is getting moved up." Brodeur said.

With that I knocked Brodeur out. Oliver and I both knew what he ment. The prison was going to be attacked, and Declan was the target.


Oliver and I dropped down, knocking out two guards. Making as little noise as possible. We quickly stripped out of our suits and switched into the guard's uniforms. Pulling on ski masks as well. We ran the halls looking for Declan. We came to split.

"I'll go left." I said, quickly running down the hall.

As I ran down the hall I realised that it was the wrong way. I retraced my steps as fast as I could. I watched as a group of prison guards ran towards a group of loose inmates. Seeing a doorway as my only way to get by without being seen, I took it. As I ran in, I saw a man throw Laurel into a chain fence. I kicked him away from Laurel. I noticed Oliver on the ground, and in that second of distraction the man disarmed me. My bow fell to the ground leaving me to fight this massive man with just my hands. He lunged at me bringing me to the ground. He punched towards my face. I brought my arms up to deflect his blows. He was on top of me, and with his size there was no chance I was getting him off of me. That's when I remembered. I wasn't completely weaponless, I had a knife tucked away on the small of my back. In order to grab it I'd have to make myself defenceless. Meaning I take a few punches to the face. How was I supposed to explain this to Tommy? I tried to make my movement as quick as possible, but with the blows of his punches hitting my face and the taste of iron, time slowed. I somehow managed to pull the knife from it's hidden position. Before I could do any damage, the man grabbed my wrists holding them together above my head. He used his free hand, and wrapped it around my neck. Slowly squeezing the air from my lungs. I struggled under his grip as blood filled my mouth, and air ceased to exist. I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye, and shifted them to see Oliver getting back to his feet. His gaze landed on me and the man, and in a second the man was pushed off of me. I rolled to my side, spitting the blood from my mouth and gasping for air. A few heavy coughs escaped my mouth. I turned to see Oliver beating the man, seemingly with the purpose of killing him. I stood up pulling Oliver off of the man. Oliver's eyes filled with rage. I met his eyes, and tried to look as though I was okay. As we looked into each other's eyes a group of guards came running in. We walked out the guards raising no suspicion towards us, due to our borrowed uniforms.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! 2020 was a hell of a year. Hope you all have a good day. Be good people.~~

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