Chapter 35

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I picked up the phone that was connected to the one Lance had, hopping that Laurel still had it in her custody. While the killer and Oliver fought I picked up a few details on the killer. After a few rings she picked up.

"Hello?" She answered.

"We have some information for you. The killer drives a 1970s Ford pickup. There's a scar on his right wrist from a severe burn and a tattoo of a firefly." I said.

"Well, then you must've gotten pretty close to him."

"All the men in Engine Company 15 had firefly tattoos. Anyone of them could be the killer." I ignored her and continued.

"What should I do with this information?"

Oliver wasn't ready to be out in the field, and it wouldn't hurt to take it easy a little while longer.

"Whatever you would have done before you met us."

I ended the call. We wouldn't be at our best out there. We'd cause more harm than good. I walked back over to Oliver helping him up from the ground. I handed him his clothes, and he walked off to change. When he came back we started to work on our equipment.

Not long after Diggle rushed into the base. His full of anger, I'm assuming it has something to do with the text I sent him.

"So Laurel's on her own against a murderer who burns people alive?" He angrily said.

"We can't right every wrong in this city." Oliver said, defeat still evident in his voice.

"No, I get that. But maybe you both aren't back to a hundred percent like you thought."

"Maybe we're not." I answered.

Diggle looked as though he thought over something for a moment before he came to his conclusion. His arm moved back, signalling he was going to punch Oliver. Diggle quickly pinned Oliver against a table. In this moment Diggle let up on his grip allowing Oliver to reverse the situation.

"What did that prove?" I asked.

As Oliver walked away, joining me on the other half of the room.

"This is one sturdy desk." Diggle joked, under his breath.

"Clearly your problems aren't physical." Diggle added as he rubbed his arm.

"We never said we had any problems." Oliver growled.

"You didn't have to, neither of you." Diggle glanced at me and then focused back on Oliver. "This guy, the other archer, he got in both of your heads. He took something from both of you."

"That's enough." Oliver said, the fight in him decreasing.

"He took whatever's in your heart, that lets you jump off buildings and take down bad guys."

"Thank you for the analysis." I said, sarcastically.

I was starting to get annoyed with Diggle. Why couldn't he just leave it alone? Another part of me knew he was right, but I didn't want to accept it. Ever since the other archer, the fight within me has decreased, not as much as Olivers, but I found myself questioning if this was the right choice. I could've died and left my family behind for good this time. I've already caused so many problems between Dad and Tommy. Me dying would separate them for good.

"You can avoid Laurel, avoid me. Avoid this as long as you want but until you're ready to take a hold of the fear that's in you, you might as well let that archer kill you both." Diggle urged, trying to get his point across.

My phone dinged, and I pulled it from my pocket. I looked down reading the text. Tommy needed me to run an errand for the benefit he was throwing. Looking up at Oliver I noticed that he wanted to leave, but knew that Diggle would have his head.

"Text from Tommy. He needs us to run an errand for the benefit at the firemen's station." I lied, looking at Oliver.

He looked confused at why Tommy knew I was with him, but then realized I was lying to get him out of here. I grabbed his jacket, tossing it to him, and then picked up my leather one. As we walked out Diggle decided he wanted to get the last word in.

"Maybe while you're at it, you'll let me know if you still wanna be vigilantes or just nightclub owners."


We made it to the fire station, and quickly noticed Laurel.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Oliver smiled.

"I told Joanna I'd clean out Danny's locker." Laurel said. "And you two?"

"Tommy sent us over to make sure the quest list for the Firemen's Gala was accurate." I answered.

"Tommy's been working very hard on that. It's very generous of you two."

"It's truly not." Oliver said.

Laurel smiled and walked away. I looked at Oliver, both of us agreeing. Laurel was always a bad lair, she wasn't here for her friend. She was here for something else and we were going to find out what. All we had to do was send one of us in after her. I nodded signalling that I would do it. It was time to find out why she was really here. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Sorry this chapter's a little later in the day then usual, I've been slammed with homework and tests. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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