Chapter 20

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When I came to, I was face to face with a man. As I moved I felt a pull on my wrists. My hands were cuffed to the chair I was sitting on. I made eye contact with the man, who seemed intrigued by me. He didn't seem like a threat, so I didn't treat him as one.

"I'm sorry for my men's rudeness. They're taught to view any stranger as hostile. I'm Edward Fyers, and you are?" Fyers asked.

"I'm (Y/n) Merlyn." My voice horse from not drinking in days. "The boat my friends and I were on sank."

"Your friends, where are they?" Fyers sat forward.

"My one friend went down with the boat. The other, he was killed by some man in a green hood." I answered.

"Do you know where the man in the green hood is?" Fryers pushed.

"No, I bolted after he murdered my friend. Do you know who the man is?" I questioned.

"I do, my men and I have been trying to find him for a while now."

A silence fell between us.

"Forgive me, for the handcuffs. Not many people on the island are as nice as you." Fryers broke the silence realizing my hands were still cuffed, and uncuffed them for me. "Are you hungry? We have plenty of food and water."

I nodded my head as Fryers led me out of the tent.


I sat alone in the interrogation room for a while, before the door finally opened. An officer brought Oliver in and sat him at the table. Then the officer left leaving Oliver and I alone. In seconds I knew what they were trying to do. I quickly glanced to the corner of the room, seeing the camera immediately. Unsure weather Oliver knew or not. I sent him a glance, to warn him that we were being watched and listened to. If we sat in silence for too long we'd become suspicious, but if we said something we'd have to use our words carefully.

"So, this is interesting." I said, trying to break the ice.

"Yeah, totally not how I thought we'd be spending the night." Oliver caught on to my plan.

"Same here. We'll be out of here in no time. It's not like we dress up in hoods and play Robin hood." Oliver let out a soft laugh, as I smiled.

"You really do know how to lighten the mood."

"Hey, it's what I do. I can't be a brooding ass too. You already filled that spot."

Oliver and I exchanged quick remarks at each other for a while.


Oliver and I were brought into the courtroom full of media and news outlets. Oliver requested an attorney, but they declined. We were left to defend ourselves.

"Docket 81-9-4-1. People versus Oliver Queen, and (Y/n) Merlyn. Murder, aggravated assault, assault with intent, meacing and trespassing." An officer said.

"Where is your attorney Mr.Queen, Miss.Merlyn?" The judge asked.

"We're representing ourselves, Judge." Oliver said.

"I'm not sure that's the wisest course." The judge continued.

"We think it is." Oliver stood up.

"We're innocent." Taking Oliver's lead I stood up too.

"Then we'll consider that your plea." The judge concluded.

"Thank you." I nodded my head towards the judge, as Oliver and I sat back down.

"Now as to bail?" The judge asked.

"Your Honor, Mr.Queen's and Miss.Merlyn's families own a pair of private jets, each. On the subject of their wealth, I would point out there is virtually no bail amount that could guarantee their presence at trial." The prosecuting attorney stated.

"So then, I guess it's a good thing that the people's case is so circumstantial." A very familiar voice said.

Damn, does she know how to make an entrance. I turned to look at Laurel. Laurel made her way to Oliver and I's side.

"Dinah Laurel Lance, Your Honor. I'd like to file my appearance on behalf of the defendants. Mr.Queen's and Miss.Merlyn's wealth should not deprive them of the right to be released on bail. While under the presumption of innocence." Laurel defended.

"They're a flight risk." The prosecuting attorney cut in.

"Then minimize the risk. The defendants are willing to submit to home confinement and electronic monitoring, through the wearing of a UKG45 administrated ankle device."

"No, we don't." Oliver tied to protest.

"Sold." The judge concluded.

"Your Honor." The prosecuting attorney sighed.

"Bail is set at $15 million. 5 million dollars bond. Defendant to see probation for the fitting of a GPS device." The judge finished, banging her gavel.

Oliver turned to Laurel, "I knew you couldn't resist saving our asses."

"You're gonna make me regret this, aren't you?" Laurel said.

"No, it's gonna be like old times." I smiled.

"Fortunately, for the both of you, with the legal case there is no way that you're these vigilantes. Because they're actually trying to make a difference. We all know that's not really Oliver's style."


As I was being fitted for the GPS device, my dad stood there concern spreading on his face.

"Dad, it's not that bad." I smiled, tring to make him feel better.

"Okay, this device has a direct line into the precinct. Stay on the property, you're golden. Any questions?" The officer putting the device on my ankle asked.

"No." I answered.

"Thank you, officer." My dad said, leading the man to the door.


I sat in my room, having nothing better to do. Oliver and John were probably discussing the plan right now. The police think they caught up to us, except they didn't. Yes, they have the video footage, but this was all according to plan. We knew the security camera was there, just like we knew the police would review the footage and arrest us. All a part of the plan. We wanted to get arrested. I mean, we return to Starling City and a few days later the vigilantes appear. Sooner or later, someone was going to make the connection. Oliver was giving John the run down of his part in the plan. Leo Mueller, a German arms dealer. Suspected in the theft of a hundred M249 Squad Automatic Weapons. Last night he arrived in Starling City to sell the guns. For now we want John to shadow Mueller. To track his movements, and to find out where the buy is happening. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Once again sorry about not publishing on Friday. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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