Chapter 48

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I was ripped from my cell, and dragged to a circle of men. I was thrown into the middle, I stumbled and fell. I didn't bother to try and get up, I just stayed down. Two men stood before me.

"It's Wintergreen, right? Bill Wintergreen?"

One of them spoke, their voice hauntingly familiar. I thought he was dead. I watched him die. I looked up seeing Oliver. Then watched as the masked man hit him.

"I know all about you. I know you worked for the Australian government and that you used to fight for your country. You used to stand for something!"

The man punched Oliver repeatedly, making him fall to his knees. The man drew his sword, cutting Oliver's binds. The second Oliver made it to his feet the man knocked him down again.

"Whatever he's paying you, I'll triple it."

Before the man could act towards Oliver, an explosion went off. Gunshots fired, taking out a few men. Oliver rose to his feet helping me up, and cut my binds. We made quick Eye contact before running for cover. A man I've never seen before stepped out in front of the masked man. I looked towards Oliver, he looked at the man recognition in his eyes. He knew this man, and trusted him. The two men began to fight. Both of them seemingly even matched. Until the man Oliver knew gained the upper hand and killed the other. Oliver and I stood from our hidden position, and looked at the victorious man. Before he could move towards us a bullet hit him. More rang out as Oliver and I ducked for cover. Noticing a gun, I quickly grabbed it. Looking around I saw the shooter, Fyers. I aimed, shooting a few rounds. Oliver rushed to his friend's side, as Fyers ducked for cover. I stayed behind them as they retreated, sensing no danger I followed after. A man held Oliver and his friend at gunpoint. He didn't notice me. I fired, taking the man down.

"I like her." The man smiled, at Oliver.

Oliver brushed off the comment, and we left heading somewhere. We entered a clearing where there was a crashed plane. They walked towards it, looking like this is where we're staying. Better than a prison cell. The man's wound would need to be treated, but first we had to get the bullet out. I grabbed a blade and went to dig the bullet out. The second I started, he started to move in pain.

"Continue to move, and you'll bleed to death." I said.

He stopped as much as he could and I managed to remove the bullet. The man looked towards Oliver.

"I'm impressed. You didn't puke."

"I swallowed it."

The man then looked at me.


I hummed in response.

"What now?" Oliver asked the man.

"We hope my firework show set Fyers back. Maybe enough for those who hired him in the first place to call things off."

"Hired him?"

"Fyers is a merc. He follows the money. He's on this island under someone's employment." I said, answering Oliver's question.

The man looked at me impressed.

"Then what do we do?"

"We have to make sure none of us die on this godforsaken island." The man answered.

"I thought you said if we didn't get on the plane we weren't gonna make it."

"Well, that dumb kid that I trained he would never have made it. You? You might just have a chance. Your friend here is definitely getting off this island."

He gestured to me.

"(Y/n). I'm assuming you're Billy's other half, Slade."

The man nodded, but sent me a confused look.

"He trained me, taught me how to survive this wretched place."

I answered his confusion. He smiled slightly.

"You are going to be fun to have around here."


My heart raced as I watched the news. Why the hell would he go after his own mother? He was hiding something? As much as my body protested, I got up from the bed. I grabbed my bike's keys, and a jacket. There were cops downstairs talking to Mrs.Queen, and as far as they knew I was asleep. I couldn't take the front door, so I chose the next best thing. I locked the door, and opened a window. I scaled down the side of the house. I rushed over to my bike starting it, thankful that they wouldn't be able to hear it. Once I made it to the bunker I headed down the steps, seeing a very pale Oliver on a table. Looking around I saw Diggle.

"What the hell happened?"

Diggle quickly spun around in his chair.

"You're supposed to be on bed rest."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Diggle went to speak but was cut off.

"I'm back."

I spun around, looking for the voice's owner. Felicity. She stopped seeing me.

"(Y/n), Felicity is helping me save Oliver."

"He would be in better hands if I was allowed to bring him to a hospital." She mumbled.

Oliver and I had been contemplating on letting her in the loop for a while. For me it sounded fantastic, I could use more girl power. I set my jacket down.

"Okay, spill. Why'd he go after his mom? And who shot him?" I asked looking at Diggle.

When Diggle finished filling me in, Oliver started to stir. We all stood, and walked to the edge of the table. I had so many colorful things I wanted to say to him.

"I guess I didn't die again. Cool."

I smiled laughing slightly.

"You're supposed to be on bed rest."

"And you're a bloody dumbass that I constantly need to pick up after."


He picked up a mirror, to look at his new scar.

"It's not bad. How am I going to explain this one?"

"Hickey gone wrong?" Diggle suggested, earning a glare from Oliver.

"The police collected a sample of Oliver's blood at Queen Consolidated. I just hacked the crime lab and ordered the sample destroyed. Oops." Felicity turned to face us. "I hope it's alright. Your system looked like it was from the 80s and not the good part of the 80s like Madonna and, well, legwarmers."

"It's a lot of work." Oliver said.

"Does this mean your in?" I asked, hoping for a yes.

"You mean in as in I'm going to join your crusade?"

"Well, you're practically an honorary member of the team already." Oliver added.

"So Mr.Diggle said." She took a deep breath. "No."

"Then why'd you upgrade our system?" Oliver asked.

"First, because seeing a network that poorly set up hurts me in my soul. And second, I want to find Walter."

"My stepfather."

"He was nice to me. And Mr.Diggle told me that the notebook you use to fight crime is the same notebook that got Walter abducted. I'll help you rescue him, but that's it. Then I want to go back to my boring life of being an IT girl. That's my offer."

Oliver and I exchanged a look.

"Okay." Oliver said.

"I've been really meaning to ask, is there a bathroom?"

I chuckled.

"Yeah follow me." I smiled, leading Felicity towards the bathroom. I glanced back at Oliver and smiled happily with our new comrade. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Happy Easter everyone. If you celebrate something different than happy holidays. If you don't celebrate at all, well enjoy your day. I hope everyone enjoys their day. Be good people.~~

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