Chapter 10

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As soon as the police didn't need my help anymore, I headed straight to our base of operations. Martin Somers was going down tonight. I would make sure of it myself. I entered to already see Oliver there.

"I wanted to give Martin Somers the chance to confess and face a court's justice. But he chose to go after someone I care about instead. He's still going to face justice. It'll just be a different kind." I growled."We're taking this bastard down tonight."

Oliver sent me a questioning look. As I stripped out of my clothes and pulled on my suit.

"He sent people after Laurel." I fummed.

Oliver's once confused face, turned to pure hatred.


Our minds filled with rage we went after Somers. Taking down every man or woman that got in our way. I ran off after a man, splitting away from Oliver. I shot an arrow taking the man down. That's when I saw him. The filthy cockroach, allowing his men to die so he could survive. Not on my watch.

"Somers!" I hissed, running into the building he retreated to.

I pinned him against a crate, an arrow locked and loaded.

"Oh, god. No, no, no." Somers begged.

"He can't help you." I raged, shooting an arrow next to his head. "I want the truth about Victor Nocenti."

"I can't. The Triad will kill me." Somers panted.

"The Triad's not your concern right now." I retorted, releasing another arrow.

Somers screamed, as my arrow grazed his leg.

"Alright." Somers sobbed. "It wasn't me that killed him. It was the Triad."

"Acting on whose instructions?" When he didn't answer, I shot another arrow. "Whose?"

"It was mine. It was mine, alright? Nocenti said he was going to testify against me." Somers admitted.

Somers glance shifted to the side of me. I turned to see the woman from earlier.

"Move away from him." She commanded.

"Make me." I hissed.

She came after me. Her trusty knives in hand. I used my bow to block most of the attacks. Oliver was still nowhere to be seen. The sound of sirens became apparent to me. Oliver must've bolted without me. Anger bubbled inside me. She landed a slice on my shoulder as I was distracted.

"This is the police, drop your weapons." A man on a megaphone said. "You are surrounded. Come out with your hands up."

I bolted having gotten the information I needed. I rounded a corner, almost in the clear.

"Freeze." An all too familiar voice commanded.

I paused, keeping my head down. Detective Lance always seems to show up when you don't want him there.

"You twitch and you're dead." Mr.Lance said, his gun trained on me. "Bow down, hands up."

I quickly grabbed the recording arrow, I used to record all the information Somers told me, and threw it at Lance knocking the gun out of his hand. As he was distracted I flead.


I stormed into our base. Oliver was already there untouched.

"What the hell was that?" I hissed, Oliver opened his mouth to say something, but I shut it down. "You're supposed to have my back out there. I was surrounded, I could have used your help. I stuck my neck out for you. I've helped you with all of this. I could be spending this time with my family. Instead I'm running around dressed up as some sort of makeshift robin hood. What the hell is your problem? All you do is ignore me recently. It took Somers attacking Laurel, for you to even acknowledge me."

"Ive had alot on my mind." He sighed.

"Well sort it out, cause if something like that happens again I'm out." I growled.

He silently left.


"Okay this is a surprise. Did you show up here by mistake?" Tommy asked, as we walked up to Laurel.

"By invitation." Laurel corrected. "Oliver invited me last night."

"Last night?" I questioned.

"Is that surprise, I'm hearing. He showed up later in the night, after you left, and we actually had a pretty decent conversation." Laurel said.

Before we could talk some more Walter started his speech.

"Good afternoon. And thank you all for coming. Welcome to the future site of the Robert Queen Memorial Applied Sciences Center." Walter paused, allowing the crowd to clap. "Now, this is a building that will stand as a monument, to the man whose company and vision are his greatest legacies."

"Whoa, Whoa." A very buzzed, Oliver interrupted. "What about me? Right? I'm a legacy. Thanks for warming them up, Walt."

Oliver stepped up onto the stage. Stumbling as he noticed the golden shovel in Walters' hands.

"Alright. Fine, fine shovel. I got it." Oliver then nearly dropped the shovel, but held on to it tight. "Some of you may not know me. My name is Oliver Queen. Uh, watch some television, read a newspaper. I'm kinda famous right now. Mostly, though, I'm famous because I'm Robert Queen's son. But as Walter, who's my new dad. Weird, right? Sorry. As Walter was saying, I'm not much of a legacy."

"Oliver you don't-" Walter tried to intervene.

"No, sit. Sit!" Oliver barked. "See, I was supposed to come here today and I'm supposed to take my rightful place at the company. Prodigal son returns home and becomes the heir of parent. But I'm not my father. I'm not the man he was. I'm not half the man he was. I never will be. So, please stop asking me to be."

Finishing his monologue, Oliver stepped off stage and left.


I woke up to Oliver screaming at the seagulls surrounding his father's corpse. Hunger and dehydration eating away at me. We only been on the island for a day or two, maybe. Time seemed to blend together on the island. I watched as he lifted the body. I stayed out of his way as he carried his father's lifeless body. Placing the body down. Oliver then grabbed rock after rock covering his father's body. He stood at his fathers makeshift grave. Suddenly, an arrow shot through Oliver's shoulder. I stayed off to the side as I noticed the archer, who didn't seem to notice me. Oliver screamed in pain but I couldn't bring myself to stop the man from taking him. I knew that if I intervened I would die too, so I stayed hidden. I watched as my last hope was dragged away.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. There's not much to say today. 400 reads though, you guys are amazing. Thank you so much for the support. If it weren't for you guys I probably would've dropped the story by now. Anyway I hope you all are safe with Covid cases increasing again (at least in the US it is.), and have a good day. Be good people.~~

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