Chapter 11

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"Why exactly did you call me in the middle of the night?" I asked, groggily.

"I found our next target." Oliver said.

"Which is?" I questioned, releasing the hope of going back to sleep any time soon.

"James Holder. His corporation puts defective smoke detectors in low income housing, in The Glades. There have been a lot of fires, and too many funerals because of it." Oliver said, suiting up.

Even with exhaustion's protests, I went with Oliver.


Oliver went to find Holder, as I took down his security guards. I made my way to Oliver and Holder when I finished. When I got there Holder was threatening Oliver.

"I have armed security inside. All I have to do is call out." Holder threatened.

"Go ahead. They can't hear you." I said, throwing the guns I collected from the men.

Holder jumped at my sudden appearance.

"What the hell do you want?" Holder asked.

"How many people died in those fires? How many?" Oliver pressed. "The courts say you don't owe your victims anything. We disagree."

"James Holder-" I started, but was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.

Holder had been shot. Oliver fired a few arrows in the direction of the shooter. As we took cover, from the shooter's continuing gunfire. I assessed my surroundings trying to figure out where the shooter could be. A few feet in front of me was Oliver. A pool was to my left. Holder's body had fallen into the pool, blood pouring into the water. I felt a pain in my side, looking at it I noticed a graze wound from one of the bullets. Oliver grunted, drawing my attention away from my wound. Oliver was looking at his shoulder, as his fingers slightly pressed at something. He must've been shot too. Meaning whoever this guy was, he had deadly accurate aim.


Oliver and I silently stitched up each other's wounds. He did mine first. I did his as he researched on the computer, trying to find out who this guy was. The silence eating away at me. Ever since the other day when I snapped at Oliver, there's been this wall between us. We barely even talked anymore. The only times we talked to each other is when we were going after our target. It didn't surprise a man as corrupt as James Holder, has more than one enemy. I finished fixing Oliver's wound, and stood to put away the needle and thread. As I stood the world became foggy, as I lost my footing. Placing one of my hands on the table, supporting my body. Oliver stood trying to steady me, but he started to stumble too. Pain started to fill my body, and vision started to blur. What the hell was happening? Oliver reached forward grabbing one of the gauze soaked in blood, looking at it. It took me a second to understand why. We were poisoned. The bullets must've been laced with something. I grabbed a water bottle, ran over to the trunk we brought with us from the island. Unlocking the lock and snatching the herbs from the island. I didn't know exactly what they were, but they've saved our asses more times then I can count. I quickly handed Oliver some of the herbs, my consciousness slowly giving out. After we finished taking the herbs, gravity finally took over us. I fell to the ground darkness overwhelming me.


I slowly started to regain feeling in my body, as my eyes fluttered open. Oliver sitting next to me seemingly just woken up himself. I looked over to the clock.

"Damn it." I muttered realizing we've been out for a while.

Oliver noticed too, grabbing his coat and heading out. Not even acknowledging me as he left. I stayed having nothing better to do.

I sat, alone, in our base of operations, trying to figure out what poison we were poisoned by. I mixed a solution together and put a few drops on one of the used gauze. The dried blood turned a purpley blue.

"Curare." I whispered under my breath.

The bullets were laced with curare. A rare and deadly poison. A very unique poison, that only fits one killer's MO. A killer who has taken down people all over the world. He even has a code name, Deadshot. I was ready to give James Holder a chance to right his wrongs, but this Deadshot has no morality, no honor, no code. He doesn't kill for justice, which makes him as dangerous as anyone on the list. In fact, it puts him right at the top. I texted this information straight to Oliver. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Honestly not much to say. Accept 500 reads, holy crap, You guys are the best. Be good people.~~

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