Chapter 47

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After what happened we went back to the bunker. Oliver and Diggle started at each other again. I was so done with people. I headed for the door, not wanting to separate the two bickering children. I left, heading to Tommy's and Laurel's. I knocked on the door, and waited. Laurel opened the door.

"Hey." I smiled.

"If you're looking for Tommy he's not here." She said her face showed that something happened between the two of them, it was most likely Tommy's fault.

"What did he do?"

"Nothing, I lied to him about something and he didn't take it too well."

Not Tommy's fault that's new.

"Well in that case, you wanna talk about it?"

She smiled slightly, and looked down.

"No, not really."

"Then you want to drown your sorrows in ice cream?" I joked, Laurel was one of my closest friends.

Even though she hurt Tommy, her face showed she didn't mean it. That she regretted it.

"Of course."

She smiled, opening the door all the way and letting me in. We spent the next hour talking and enjoying ice cream. We were interrupted by a door bell, signalling someone was here. Laurel went to stand, but I stopped her.

"I'll go get it."

I stood, and went to open the door. Once the door was opened slightly, the people on the other side shoved it open. My guard was down, and I wasn't expecting it. Two men came through, and knocked me to the ground. My head hit the floor hard. The world started to spin, leaving me unable to move. I watched the men go for Laurel. I tried to stand, but was ultimately stopped by a third man. His face was oddly familiar, as he slammed my head into the wall. Darkness followed.


When I regained my consciousness, it took me a second to remember what happened. My hands were bound, but that wasn't the problem. Looking up I saw Laurel and then Vanch. We were in the mansion. The place was way too heavily guarded for me to take it alone.

"Time's running out. And still no visit from your friends. I might have overestimated their fondness of you." Vanch directed his words to Laurel.

He grabbed her hair pulling her head up and placing a knife to her throat.

"Hey!" I broke my silence.

"Oh, look the other one's awake."

"You better move that knife." I threatened.

"Or what? You'll kill me." He mocked me.

I struggled against my restraints.

"Kill her, she's just a nuisance." Vanch, pointed his knife at me.

A woman took a knife and held it to my throat.

"Slow or fast?" She asked looking at Vanch.


I felt the knife go into my side, and a scream escaped my lips. Blood poured from the wound.

"Assault with intent and kidnapping. Attepted murder. You're gonna rot in prison for life this time." Laurel's body shaked as she spoke.

"That's assuming your hooded BFFs save you. And their chances of survival

are not so great. They're going up against trained men with their fingers on the trigger of guns that fire up to 600 rounds per minute. Now, I'm no Einstein, but that is a lot of bullets. And even if they were to take them out I have two sharpshooters on the roof. And even if they were to get by them, what are they going to do against the army of sons of bitches I've got waiting for them? Now, as I said, I'm no Einstein, but I can count to 24. In case you're wondering, I was, so I studied up on my news footage. 24 is the exact number of arrows that one of them carries in their quiver and flechettes around their forearm."

Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Oliver walked in a gun to his back. Vanch laughed at his success.

"Looks like you're down a player. Is she bleeding out on the ground somewhere?"

He had no clue how right he was. I could feel my reality slipping away, I wouldn't be able to last much longer. When Oliver didn't answer, Vanch went on.

"Lose the bow, Merida."

Oliver did as told placing the bow on the ground.

"Ventilate him."

The man with the gun behind Oliver, raised it to point at his head. I looked away. The sound of a gunshot, caused me to jump. I quickly looked back up, but Oliver was still standing. The man behind him was a different story. The woman went at Oliver, but he quickly took care of her. The culprit of the gunshot came in, a gun aimed at Vanch. Mr.Lance. He went to shoot Vanch, but Oliver quickly hit the gun from his hand.

"I'm the vigilante. You're the cop."

Lance moved forward striking Vanch and knocking him out. An all too familiar taste filled my mouth. Oliver was looking at me, and I knew he wanted to stay. If he did he would be captured. I shook my head slightly. He went to leave, hesitating slightly.

"Laurel are you okay?" Mr.Lance looked towards his daughter.

"Yeah, but (Y/n) needs help."

My eyes started to grow heavy as I heard Mr.Lance call 911. I was so tired. A little nap wouldn't hurt. Would it? My eyes shut, and darkness embraced me.


My eyes fluttered open, as I heard the sound of steady beeping. I groaned, sitting up.

"Woah, you shouldn't move." Tommy rushed to my side.

"I'm fine. It's just a flesh wound." I said.

"And that flesh wound should take it easy for the next two weeks."

I looked up seeing my doctor, and then Oliver. I nodded, not wanting to stir the pot.

"I'll prescribe some pain killers, but other than that you should be on bed rest."


My doctor left the room, leaving me with two very concerned people.

"I'm fine, really."

"Right cause being stabbed doesn't hurt." Tommy's sarcasm caused me to laugh and soon everyone was laughing.

After that we all talked for a while, before Tommy went to go check on Laurel.

"You should take the next two weeks off." Oliver said, coming to sit next to me. "Don't protest. You've been throwing yourself into our work. You nearly overdosed, and now you've been stabbed. Take a break, you need it."

"And if I say no?"

"I know you're still not over what your dad did, but you still need to get better. You can stay at my house, while you recuperate."

"No protests there."

I smiled, pulling him in for a quick kiss.

"I've gotta go there's someone I need to talk to. I'll tell Tommy about the arrangements and he can help you. Okay?"

"Yeah, see you."

"See ya."

~~Hi,Fallen_Angel here. Sorry if this chapter seemed a little rushed, I really didn't like this episode and wanted to get it done with as soon as possible. Any way, have a good day. Be good people.~~

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