Chapter 52

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Once Tommy and I entered the apartment, we resumed our celebration. The atmosphere was awkward at first, but Laurel and Oliver seemed to understand neither of us wanted to talk about it. After the party ended, Oliver and I went to our base. Felicity and Diggle were already there working on the phone Oliver gave her. When Felicity noticed us, she gestured for us to look at the computer screen.

"This is one paranoid assassin. Barerra's got cobalt-level encryption on his phone. It's got going to be easy to break. But codebreaker is my middle name. Actually, it's Megan-" She started to ramble.

"Felicity, can you get anything off of it?" Oliver asked, cutting her off.

"Just the last number he dialed."

"Which was?" I questioned, as she pulled something up on the computer.

"A restaurant in Chinatown. Jade Dragon. I guess even hired killers enjoy the city's best chow mein."

"Jade Dragon is a front for the Chinese mafia." Diggle said, as Oliver and I sat in silence thinking.

"Call the restaurant, make a reservation for three for tonight." Oliver came up with an idea. "Felicity, you need to decrypt that phone."

Oliver stood and headed for the door, I stayed behind. Curious on why he wanted a reservation for three. Eventually he texted me telling me to meet him at the restaurant. When I entered I saw him sitting at a table with Tommy. I raised an eyebrow at Oliver as I sat down. We immediately got caught up in a conversation. All of us were laughing as the meal was set on the table.

"That is one big fried fish." Tommy said, looking at the plate.

"I was told this was the most authentic Szechwan in town. Whatever, I wanted to make sure that your birthday celebration got its due celebration. It was a little bit tense last night." Oliver's voice became soft towards the end.

"Well, trust my dad to run all the smiles out of the room." Tommy's voice was unforgiving as he destracted himself with something on the table.

Oliver showed no signs of letting it go.

"He did come by and it seemed like he was trying to act a little bit dad-like."

"Dad-like, that sums him up perfectly." Tommy took a sip of his drink.

"I know the two of you have never been close with him, but it couldn't have been easy for him after your mom was killed."

"Yeah, I guess he forgot that there were three of us in that club." I said, looking eyes with Oliver.

"I'm not defending him, (Y/n). With everything I've been through. People that I've lost, I know how hard it can be."

"You probably don't remember this. We were eight. But after her funeral, he left for, like, two years. And when he did come back, he was so freaking cold. He barely spoke and that's why we spent so much time at your house. From the outside it always looked like we had a father. He paid our bills, he lives in the house, he bailed us out. But your dad took us to our first hockey game. Your dad taught me how to fly fish. Your dad took us to our first R-rated movie." Tommy said.

"But he wasn't perfect. My dad made mistakes. We haven't talked about this." Oliver looked at Tommy. "But I have a lot of anger towards him. Still, I would give anything to have him back because at the end of the day, your dad is your dad."

"I meant what I said last night. I am really glad that you're back." Tommy redirected the conversation.

Oliver and I looked up seeing a man pass by with a Chinese mafia tattoo. Only one of us would be able to go, without leaving Tommy suspicious. Not wanting to continue the topic, I volunteered myself.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom." I stood from my seat and followed the man.

He entered a room with another man in it. I didn't have my hood. I would need a different cover. My eyes focused on the lightswitch to the room. Perfect. I hit it and entered the room, under the darkness's protection. The man pulled out a gun as I lunged at him. I pinned him to the ground. I grabbed a bottle of, what I think was, hot sauce and scripted it in the other man's face. Preventing him from leaving and causing him the scream in pain. I quickly knocked out the man below me, and went after the other. I pinned him against the wall, his face pure terror. Thankfully whatever I sprayed at him got in his eyes, making it so he couldn't open them. I began speaking to him in Chinese.

"The Triad put a hit on somebody. I want to know who."

"I don't work for the Triad." He pleaded in Chinese.

"You're not making Dim Sum back here." I threatened.

"I don't know who it is."

"But you know something." I raised my voice, and slammed him into the wall. "Tell me."

"Tomorrow. Whatever it is, it's supposed to happen tomorrow."

Getting that information, I left and headed back for the table. I sat down, Tommy and Oliver clearly talked about something as I was gone. I watched as the man I knocked out, rushed past us looking for me. They most likely had the wrong assumption of what I looked like, because the man walked right past me paying no mind to me. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Hope everyone has a good day. Be good people.~~

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