Chapter 32

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Before there was light there was noise. I could hear beeping and machines working, along with the faint sound of someone on the phone. My mind slowly collected it's thoughts, as feeling returned to my body. I sat there for a minute taking in all that happened. The archer was overwhelmingly strong, and skilled in fighting. Then, Oliver's worry and distraughtness. Oliver. Did he manage to get me out? With that question it finally hit me. I didn't know where I was. Even worse, I didn't know if anyone saw me in the suit. I sat up quickly panic hitting me. My body protested as pain shot through my body. A groan escaped my lips. The light in the room seemed too bright, causing my head to throb.

"Hey, relax. Relax. Just relax. You're safe." A familiar calming voice said.

My eyes took a few seconds to adjust, and when they did I noticed it was Diggle.

"You're in the hospital." Diggle said, his voice still steady.

Footsteps reached the door, as I noticed Laurel, Tommy and Oliver. Diggle softly laid me back down.

"What happened?" I manage to croak out.

"Oliver called me. I backtraced your signal, we cleaned you up and got you out of there. You've got a pneumothorax, three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a concussion. The doctor says you're going to be fine." Diggle's voice was hushed so Laurel and Tommy wouldn't hear.

I tried my best to focus on what he was saying, but the pain was almost unbearable. I let out a sharp shaky breath. As Diggle looked back at Laurel, Oliver and Tommy.

"Some people are here to see you." Diggle backed away allowing Laurel, Tommy and Oliver to come to the side of my bed.

"Are you alright?" Oliver asked, his face looking as though he was about to fall apart.

"Oh, God, you look terrible." Tommy said, his voice soft and concerned.

It was just like Tommy to use humor to deflect a serious situation. It usually annoyed me, but it didn't this time. I was just happy to see him.

"Thank God, you were wearing your helmet." Laurel said.

What? I tried not to show too much confusion knowing it had something to do with the lie Diggle or Oliver told to cover for me.

"I told them how you were out on your bike and a semi truck pulled right in front of you." Diggle added, curing my confusion.

"What were you even doing out?" Tommy asked.

"I just needed to think about something." I answered looking at Oliver.

Footsteps quickly rounded the corner, as my dad entered the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked, rushing to the other side of the bed.

"I'm fine." I smiled.

A wave of sharp pain hit me causing a small grunt to escape me.

"We're going to let you get some rest." My dad said, placing a kiss to my forehead.

Laurel, Dad, Diggle and Oliver exited the room. Tommy stayed behind.

"We never got to the exchanging presents part." Tommy softy smiled, causing a big smile to appear on my face.

He reached into his pocket pulling out two candy canes. Just like the ones from when were little. We'd always race to see who would finish first. Tommy always won, although he did cheat.

"No cheating." I chuckled, much to the disapproval of my ribs.

"You're on." He said handing me one.

"Come here."

I extended my arms, pulling Tommy into a hug.


A knock at the door broke the silence. The door opened, as a soft, 'hey' followed. I looked up seeing Oliver. His face showing that he's been crying, and the tone of his voice revealing that he was blaming himself. I looked at him, and sighed.

"Please don't blame yourself."

He looked down and shook his head as he walked closer to my bedside.

"I should." He sat down on the side of my bed looking at me as his eyes filled with sadness.

"Oliver, I pushed you out of the way. It was my choice."

"It's not that. I pushed you away, and the thought of you dying..." He paused, his hands shaking. "I've lost you, and I did nothing to fix it. I just moved on forgetting you existed. I just pushed you aside, and you risked your life for me. You almost..."

His eyes were spilling with tears now, his voice was shaking, his body was trembling. To most people, they would never think he would be like this, but to me this wasn't new. The island brought out many things in Oliver and I. I pushed myself up, much to the protest of my body, and pulled Oliver into a hug. He moved his head to the crook of my neck as his arms shakily wrapped around me. My neck instantly wet, it didn't bother me though. We stayed there for a few moments.

"You haven't lost me. I'm still right here." I broke the silence, as my own voice became shaky.

Whenever I see someone upset, I tend to follow soon after. A strangled sob escaped his lips, as he held onto me tighter. My ribs screamed in dissatisfaction, but I pushed it aside. As tears escaped my eyes. All my doubt, all my refusal, was for nothing. I needed him, and he needed me. Oliver pulled away from the hug, seeing my face streamed in tears and I saw his. I placed my hands on his cheeks wiping away his tears. His eyes locked with mine. I pulled his face to mine, kissing him. At first he didn't respond, but soon he returned the kiss. His hands found their way to my waist, and rested there. When we separated, our foreheads pressed together.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. I know, holy crap, two chapters in one day. In the name of Valentines day, I figured you guys deserved this chapter a little early. Have a good day, and be good people.~~

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