Chapter 8

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Oliver and I took down 5 men with ease. Arrows in a few, and few swift hits to the others. I threw the man they were protecting on a covered fan. I came up next to him, and slammed my boot into the covering of the fan. The covering broke from my stomp. Oliver pinned him down and brought his face close to the blades of the fan. The man begged for his life, like most of our targets.

"Marcus Redman, you failed this city." Oliver said.

"No, please don't." Marcus pleaded.

"Cell phone, inside pocket, call your partner. Tell him to give those pensioners back their money. Do it now." Oliver commanded.

After warning Marcus we left.


I sat on the couch listening to the news, with Tommy and my dad.

"Over the past 15 years, Mr.Redman has withdrawn more than 30 million dollars from the plan's account. Mr.Redman claims refunding the Halcyon Pension Plan has always been his intent. But sources say Redman was coerced by the vigilantes." The news anchor said.

"This guy gets more airtime than that Kardashians, right?" I joked trying to lighten the mood.

"Five years on an island and you still know who they are." Tommy said.

"I've been catching up, it's nice to see how much our culture has improved while I was away." I smiled.

"But the city used to be different. People used to feel safe." My dad added.

"Aw, what's that matter, dad? Afraid we're going to be next?" Tommy asked.

"Do you have any questions about today, (Y/n)?" My dad questioned. "It's simple proof of life declaration. You just read out a brief, prepared statement to the judge and then your death in absentia judgement will be voided."

"Yeah, I understand." I said.

"Mrs.Merlyn the car with the Queens is waiting." One of our security staff said.

"See you later, dad." Tommy and I said, as we walked to the car.

We sat in the back with Oliver, and John. The ride was silent, but it was kind of peaceful. We pulled to a curb and outside was a bunch of reporters. My breathing hitched as I realized how many people were out there. Oliver noticed and extended his arm to me as we exited the car. A Lot of flashes were going off and people were asking Oliver and I questions. My grip on Oliver's arm tightened. The more the reporters asked the more the painful memories came flooding back. Oliver felt the same, I could feel his breathing fasten and his body become stiff.

Before I knew it we were in a courtroom giving our speech.

"There was a storm." I said. "The boat went down. We were the only survivors."

"My father didn't make it." Oliver said. "We almost died."

"I thought that I had, because we spent so many days on that life raft before we saw the island." I added.

"When we reached it, we knew that we were going to have to live for our family's, for each other." Oliver continued.

"In those five years it was that one thought that kept us going." I finished.

"Your Honor, we move to vitiate the death in absentia filed after Oliver and (Y/n)'s disappearance at sea aboard the Queen's Gambit, five years ago." Our lawyer said. " Unfortunately, we will not be requesting that the declaration of death filed for one the petitioner's father, Robert Queen, be rescinded. The Queen family is only entitled to one miracle, I'm afraid."


"Now onto the offices. Everyone is waiting to meet you there." Mrs.Queen said to Oliver as started to make our way out of the court house.

"Mom, that was a little bit heavier than I was expecting it to be. Can we do that tomorrow? Please?" Oliver asked.

"Of course." Mrs.Queen smiled.

"Thank you." Oliver said.

Mrs.Queen and Walter walked away, leaving Tommy, Oliver and I.

"Last week you couldn't wait to get to the company." Tommy said.

"Tommy, I just spent five years away from civilization. I wasn't exactly thinking straight. I..." Oliver started but stopped when Laurel rounded the corner. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?" Laurel asked, her voice laced with anger towards Oliver.

"Oh, uh, they were bringing (Y/n) and I back from the dead. Legally speaking." Oliver responded, and then returned her question. "What are you doing here?"

"My job." Laurel answered.

Oliver nodded.

"More like the DA's." A person behind Laurel chimed in.

"Hi, Oliver Queen." Oliver said, shaking the second girl's hand.

"Emily Nocenti." She smiled.

"Oliver just got back from five years on an uncharted island. Before that, he was cheating on me with my sister. He was with her when she died, and last week he told me to stay away from him. It was really good advice. Excuse me." Laurel fumed, walking away.

"It was nice to meet you." Emily said, walking away with the other person.

Tommy turned to Oliver.

"Come on, buddy, shake it off. Let's go." Tommy said, trying to lighten Oliver's spirits.

We walked outside where there were reporters surrounding a man.

"I don't know what I've done to earn this witch-hunt from Miss.Lance and her bosses at the CNRI. But I can tell you this, I am an honest businessman and I will fight this slander to my last dime and breath. That's all I have to say. Thank you." The man said, walking off.

The reporters then brought their attention to Oliver and I. I initially wrapped my arm around Oliver's arm. John met us half way through the crowd, and led us to the car. Oliver and I got in as Tommy and John were still outside getting the reporters to back off. I climbed from the backseat into the driver's seat, and started the car. It took me a second to remember all the controls, and I drove the car away from the reporters. Leaving John and Tommy to fend for themselves.

I heard a small laugh come from the backseat.

"What?" I smiled.

"You surprise me sometimes." Oliver said.

"I surprise myself most of the time." I responded shaking my head.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. We've hit another mile stone! 300, Wow guys. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much! I hope you all are having a good day.~~

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